10 OP Abilities Spider-Man Miles Morales Possesses

Puffy Lux


Miles Morales is no ordinary Spider-Man. The Spider-Man from the Earth-1610 dimension has gained an immense following ever since the amazingly animated film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse won countless awards and even got an Oscar for Best Animated Film in 2019. The character whose popularity keeps growing each day got his own video game for Playstation, and will feature in a sequel of the award-winning film. The character who brings much needed diversity to the superhero genre is also popular for how unique and different he is from the original Spider-Man Peter Parker.

Spider-Man Miles Morales has an array of new powers that, as I will discuss, are to some extent similar to Spider-Woman’s. While he uses web-shooters, and slings his way through New York City, his main source of power comes from bio-electrokinesis. He basically uses his own electrical energy to activate skills like the Venom Blast, the Energy Burst, and Energy-Threads which are threads made out of electricity which he can use as spiderwebs. This Spidey also has some other cool tricks like the Spider-Camouflage, regenerative healing powers, and alleged immortality. Needless to say, Miles Morales is one OP character. But the most important thing the character brings to the superhero genre is the power of representation. While the MCU is getting more and more progressive, there is still some work to do in that area, and Miles is one of the most important pieces of that puzzle.

In today’s Spidey video, I will list 10 OP abilities that make Miles Morales one amazing Spider-Man.

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0:00 Intro
0:45 Spider-Camouflage
1:39 Venom Blast
2:39 Energy Burst
3:46 Regenerative Healing Factors
4:36 Immortality
5:39 Venom Punch
6:29 Bio-Electrokinesis
7:23 Energy-Thread Generation
8:13 Super Spider-Sense
9:18 The Power of Representation

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Written by: AGV
Narrated by: Justin Freitas @JustinFreitasVO
Edited by: MA

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