14 Tiny Details Fans Caught in Spider-Man Movies

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Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man turns 20 this year, and we’ve been living in its legacy. Spider-Man 2002 provided the template for the MCU and several other superhero movies to come. Be it Tobey, Garfield, Tom Holland, or Spider-Verse’s Miles Morales, there’s a Spider-Man for everyone. Today we’re going to look through all of the movies to pick out some of the best details that gave them the personality that’s allowed them to endure in the way they have. We’ll take a look at J. Jonah Jamesson’s declining health, how Aunt May struggles to pay bills, and how Peter’s landlord won’t fix that damn door!


0:00 Intro
0:57 He’s something of a scientist himself
1:42 Watch your blood pressure, Mr. Jameson
2:44 Secret Origins?
3:47 A License to be a public menace
5:05 Spider-Man: New Moon
6:04 Hey, I think I know that guy!
6:56 Every Good Painter Paints What He Is
7:56 Every hero needs a theme song
9:14 Like Poetry, it rhymes!
10:09 Community-Man
11:07 Call your parents, Kids
11:58 Now Dig on THIS
12:49 Evolving with the times
13:39 An Objectively bad landlord

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Written by: Joshua Clinton
Narrated by: Grant Kellett
Edited by: Guillermo Arriola

For copyright matters please contact us at: legal@valnetinc.com

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