25 Things You Missed In The Original Spider-Man Trilogy

Puffy Lux

Duh Duh Duh, Duh Duh Duh, Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh Duh – damn, writing out the Spidey theme song really doesn’t work, does it? Oh well, it was worth a shot. Anyway, we all love the web slinger right? Well, everyone other than J Jonah Jameson, Harry Osborn, the Sinister Six, every other villain…ok, there are quite a few people who hate him, but we love the man in red and blue. With there being many, many, many different Spidey movies, shows and comics, it’s hard to run out of content for the character. But, with the trailer for No Way Home showing us some familiar faces from Sam Raimi’s classic series, hype for the character has arguably never been bigger, and the movie promises to be one of the biggest on-screen events of all time as they enter the Spiderverse.

That’s why we thought now would be a good time to go back and revisit the series that started it all and brought Peter Parker to the big screen for the very first time and brought in a whole new host of fans. So, in this video we are going to sieve through the three movies and take a look at 25 (or so) different easter eggs, hidden meanings and messages, references to other comic books and characters (including DC), behind the scenes stories, alternate casting choices, VFX goofs, stunts that happened for real, nearly story beats and moments that are almost directly taken from the comic books. SO, let’s get ready to swing through the streets of New York City all over again as we take a look at the Raimi films.

See also  Spider-Man: No Way Home TRAILER LEAKS! Here's My REACTION

What did you make of this video? What was your favorite moment? Any we missed? Let us know in the comments below and make sure to subscribe to the channel today for all this and more.


0:00 Intro
0:31 DC
1:05 Stingray
1:42 Venom
2:22 Fin Fang Foom
2:53 Carnage & Snapdragon
3:24 Lizard
3:54 Doctor Strange
4:25 Steve Ditko
5:02 Theme Song
5:24 Hobgoblin
5:51 The Beyond
6:20 The Belltower
6:48 Joe’s Pizza
7:39 Flash
8:10 Bruce Campbell
8:42 VFX Director
9:07 MJ
9:32 Green Goblin
10:02 Wrestling
10:23 Lunch Tray
10:52 Upside Down Kiss
11:09 Organic Web Shooters
11:51 Electro & Sandman
12:24 Cameos
12:47 Goof
13:16 Midtown High

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Written by: Aiden Mills
Narrated by: Caleb Pryor @imklubb
Edited by: Caleb Pryor @imklubb

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