32° Degree HEAT KILLED my Baby King Baboon TARANTULAS !!!

Possible intro: Attention all tarantula keepers and enthusiasts! If you live in a hot climate or have experienced a heat wave recently, this post is for you. Unfortunately, I have some sad news to share: my baby king baboon tarantulas died due to the extreme heat, specifically at 32° degrees Celsius. Despite my efforts to cool down their enclosure and provide water and ventilation, the temperature proved too much for these delicate creatures. I’m writing this not only to honor their memory but also to raise awareness of the dangers of heat stress in tarantulas and how to prevent it. Let’s dive in.


Tarantulas are fascinating creatures that have captured the interest of many people. Among the different species of tarantulas that people keep as pets, the King Baboon tarantula is a popular choice. However, tarantula rearing requires careful monitoring of the environmental conditions, and failure to do so can be fatal for the arachnids. In this article, we will take a look at how 32-degree heat killed some King Baboon tarantula slings and what measures were taken to prevent further deaths.

The incident:

It was a hot summer day, and the temperature had soared to 32 degrees Celsius. Unfortunately, the hot temperatures proved to be fatal for some King Baboon tarantula slings. Despite the measures taken to keep the environment cool, some of the slings were unable to survive the heat.

Measures Taken to Protect the Slings from Rats:

As anyone who has reared tarantulas can attest, keeping the environment clean is crucial to the survival of these arachnids. In addition to keeping the cages clean, it is necessary to protect the slings from potential predators such as rats. The King Baboon tarantula slings are especially vulnerable to rats, as they are small and defenseless. Therefore, measures were taken to ensure that the rats could not reach the slings.

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Use of Air Conditioning and Humidifier to Maintain Proper Conditions for Tarantulas:

To prevent further incidents of fatalities, air conditioning and a humidifier were used to maintain the ideal conditions for the King Baboon tarantulas. These measures helped keep the environment cool and moist, which is essential for the well-being of the tarantulas.

Majority of Slings Survive Despite Hot Temperatures:

Although the intense heat did cause some of the King Baboon tarantula slings to perish, the majority of the slings survived. This is likely due to the measures taken to protect the slings from the heat and the use of air conditioning and a humidifier to maintain the ideal conditions for the tarantulas.

Difficulty in Handling Slings Without Separating Them from Each Other:

One of the biggest challenges of rearing tarantula slings is that they are difficult to handle without separating them from each other. As tarantulas are solitary creatures, separating the slings from each other can be stressful for them. To avoid causing undue stress to the slings, it is essential to handle them carefully and avoid separating them unless necessary.

Merchandise Available for Purchase:

If you are interested in rearing tarantulas, there are various merchandise items available for purchase that can help you create the ideal environment for the King Baboon tarantulas. From cages to humidifiers and air purifiers, these items can help you provide the conditions necessary for the survival of the tarantulas.

Satisfactory Progress in Rehoming Slings into New Enclosures Despite Some Deaths:

Despite the unfortunate incident of some slings perishing due to the heat, there has been satisfactory progress in rehoming the slings into new enclosures. While losing some slings was a setback, it has not deterred the efforts to rehome the remaining slings.

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  1. What is the ideal temperature for the King Baboon tarantula?
    The ideal temperature for the King Baboon tarantula is between 24 and 27 degrees Celsius.

  2. Do King Baboon tarantulas need air conditioning and a humidifier?
    While air conditioning and a humidifier are not strictly necessary for the survival of King Baboon tarantulas, they can help maintain the ideal conditions for the tarantulas.

  3. Can King Baboon tarantulas survive in hot temperatures?
    King Baboon tarantulas are resilient creatures and can survive in hot temperatures, but extreme heat can be fatal for them.

  4. What merchandising items are available for rearing King Baboon tarantulas?
    Various merchandising items, including cages and humidifiers, are available for purchase for rearing King Baboon tarantulas.

  5. Can tarantula slings be separated from each other without causing undue stress?
    Tarantula slings are difficult to handle without separating them but separating them can cause undue stress to the slings. Therefore, they should be handled carefully and separated only if necessary.


Rearing tarantulas is a challenging task that requires careful monitoring and attention to detail. As evidenced by the incident of 32-degree heat killing some King Baboon tarantula slings, even the smallest environmental changes can be fatal for these arachnids. However, with the right precautions and merchandising items, it is possible to create the ideal environment for the King Baboon tarantulas’ well-being.
