i should RELEASE all my TARANTULAS to the WILD ?? #shorts

3 Important Beekeeping Beginners Tips

Have you been stung by the beekeeping craze? Beekeeping can be both a fun hobby and a lucrative business opportunity. Those who are truly passionate about their bees are always on the look out for tips to better improve their hives. If you just getting going, here are 3 important beekeeping tips.

Dealing With Bee Stings in Cats and Dogs

Pets love playing outside during the summer and rolling around in the grass but this can be dangerous because they are exposed to all types of biting insects, including bees. Most of the time a bee sting produces a mild reaction in dogs and cats much like it does in humans, who are not allergic to them.

Tarantula Spiders – More Terrific Than Terrifying!

Tarantulas make great exotic pets. Some of your friends and family may be impressed by them, others may be terrified…but everyone will agree that it’s a unique and interesting pet. Tarantulas are safe, fun and intriguing. Find out some fascinating facts about tarantulas that you may not have known!

Bee Safety – 7 Tips to Avoid Getting Stung When Beekeeping

Bee safety is an important issue for beekeepers and non-beekeepers alike. Beekeeping has several safety issues, but the biggest concern, particularly for beginner beekeepers, is of course bee stings. As a beekeeper, you can never totally avoid stings, but here are a few basic bee safety tips to help keep those stings to minimum.

Health Benefits of Keeping Bees and Making Honey

I grew up with a beekeeper as a father. It wasn’t his full time gig, but it did take up some time.

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How to Get Started in Keeping Bees and Making Honey

If you’re interested in keeping bees and making honey, then I have a great surprise for you-it’s not as difficult as you may think. Bees naturally take care of themselves, you simply need to help them along sometimes depending on your climate and whether they get a disease (which is easy to treat).

Guidelines on Pet Insects and Tarantulas For Newbies

Why Choose an Insect or Spider? Insects such as spiders could be interesting to observe. They may be extremely quiet, clean pets that don’t require a lot of space to live.

Will Bees Manage to Survive?

The bee population is falling dramatically, far more than one may think. In 2008 the British Bee Keepers Association published data accounting for a 30% drop in population between 2007 and 2008. In the same period the European Food Safety Authority published results for Italy, a bee keeping nation on an industrial scale, which showed a startling 40 – 50% drop in population.

Beekeeping – An Introductory Guide

Beekeeping as a pastime is fast becoming one of the top hobbies for people of all ages and backgrounds – and not just in the countryside. Beekeeping is becoming very popular for city dwellers too. This article will hopefully help you to make a good start on your beekeeping adventure.

Worm Farming Predators

It may look like ironic that the very animals you may produce your worms for would also be the predators you ought to protect your worm farm from. If you merely give the worms away to the predators, there isn’t much point in attempting to raise them for profit by selling them to the people or businesses that use them to feed the very same types of predators!

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Things to Know About Your Worm Farm

It can be entertaining to conserve a worm farm and it is best if you know the fundamental and important things to comprehend your worm farm. Here are some common wonders that can be of help you make the most out of your worm farm.

Dealing With the Problems in the Worm Farm

Assembling a worm farm is a noteworthy and a very simple project to do. With the proper materials and a detailed instruction guide, you can begin harvesting compost in two people of days. A worm farm is ideal for people who practically would like to recycle food scraps but don’t have any time or space to created and look after a huge compost bin.