Redback Spider Tank 3 Spiderlings Are So Cute & Deadly EDUCATIONAL VIDEO Part 2

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Redback Spider study that looks at the development of baby Redback spiderlings in a controlled environment where the only food source is other Redback spiders. Spider Tank 3 has started off with 3 Redback spider egg sacs from Barbie the Redback Spider. There is also one Black House Spider egg sac in the spider tank but it seems this has failed. I do add 2 more Redback spider egg sacs at the third update. This spider study will be done in parts and not weeks. Much of the video footage will be shot via timelapse and I use a AUPRO90 Bore Camera to see the small stuff up close. Hopefully we learn lots of stuff along the way or else I get into HUGE trouble.

The AUPRO-90 Standalone Borescope is sold as a kit to inspect gun barrels. An old friend suggested to see how the spiders look via this device.
This device can be found via eBay

A video of the AUPRO-90 used to inspect a sniper barrel

Video posted as educational, documentary, and scientific and forms part of my Insect / spider study series of videos.
Leokimvideo is the home of the ‘Big Spider Loves Daddy’ videos on YouTube! You must have written permission from me to use any part of this video, that’s the rules.

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