Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse Peter B Parker Sentinel Sen-Ti-Nel SV Action Figure Review

Press Pass Collectibles

Holy…I only pre-ordered the Sen-Ti-Nel Marvel Into the Spider-Verse Peter B. Parker Spider-Man because of the blonde Peter Parker head, since I didn’t have a version of him on the shelf. That’s it. I didn’t expect this figure to reach up and slap me in the face for passing on the Miles because this SV Action line is amazing. Spectacular. So good. I want more.

00:00 Intro
00:49 Package
01:25 Unboxing
02:07 Figure
04:38 Engineering
05:48 Articulation
06:50 Accessories
10:28 Bases
11:48 Size and Comparisons
13:04 Thoughts
15:07 Outro

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#SpiderMan #IntoTheSpiderVerse #PeterParker

Stan Lee Signed Amazing Spider-Man #107 Comic Book

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