When your Tarantula WANTS YOU instead of the Female LOL

Hello guys today we are going to be Pairing emptiness [Music] You can see from here it's in the Borough Yep it's there yep What happened it's here Do I need a container The that's a minimum container Wait wait wait wait wait I'm going to Put it here first oh my gosh and you can See the empty nose is there oh my gosh Super leg Look at that ah So big Huh yeah yeah yeah no no no no no no the The Boba cup bring the Boba cup Oh my gosh Yeah that one Here okay Oh mine if this guy bites me Be good okay Come come closer Oh my gosh wow his claws Can feel his claws like a cat All right Here we go okay I'm going to film on the Top like this Come on There we go Okay All right there we go Oh Okay so now

I need to wait This Him Oh my gosh What is that okay Let him let him stay there and vibrate

See also  Packing 21 KING BABOON TARANTULAS !!!