The Tarantula that DEFEATED DEATH !!!

I'm just going to be using the catch Cover oh Okay this enclosure oh what is oh no It's not mold it's just like sorry my Phone isn't focused oh yeah there we go It's not more at first glance i thought It was small but then no it's just Water um the damn substrate yeah Substrate's a little bit damp And the air con is on so you know the Water Like i don't know how you call it like Water evaporation or something but yeah This enclosure over here it's not very Okay wait i'll just bring it down All right the enclosure is on the grass Right now let me just close this before The aircon all comes out you know what i Think i will choose This one because this one let me show You this was the one that actually was Almost On its deathbed or something but she is Like super healthy now i'll link that Video down in the description below Feel free to go check that out this girl Almost died like she was already in Death curl and she was like Very very lethargic but then she just Came back to life look at her she Is doing absolutely amazing look at that And well we have this one they're both Siblings actually But this one seems to be a little bit

Bigger there i think this one is a Confirmed female by the way This one i'm not exactly sure yet it's Still unset But just look at the difference in like How both of them Behave this one just webbed up this Corner of the enclosure this side This half corner side half whatever you Want to call it And she made a burrow like right over There where she can retreat anytime she Wants But this one over here just decided to Web up the entire enclosure Just so that it can sit on its wet mat You see they're both Siblings exactly siblings and both of Them are still like Super different personalities so yeah You know i much prefer my voice like Outside instead of like in the room There because there's like a lot of echo In there So yeah let's just let's see okay the Reason why i'm putting This girl into this enclosure well Mainly because this enclosure wait wait Wait wait wait let me put this over here Just so that the lid can rest on the Floor And not like cause anything like you Know if if it's over here It's gonna be hanging so yeah let it

See also  When your Tarantula WANTS YOU instead of the Female LOL

Rest on the floor as i was mentioning I'm gonna be putting it in this Enclosure because this enclosure doesn't Have a lot of things It just has a lot of sticking up stuff And just like Yeah there's not much room for it to dig Which is perfect for this girl because She is not digging although if she wants To dig There is like four inches of substrate If she wishes to dig However this enclosure since she likes To web up like The hole she's very very heavy webber She gets to web Up all these sticks now if i take the Other one and put it in here That one's probably not going to be Webbing up a lot this one will be the Most suitable since she likes to wear We're going to be putting her Into this enclosure which has the dry Substrate because these guys do like it A little bit dry I mean they do tolerate dampness but dry Works as well We have got some bones over here some Spine and we've got A uh what you call this this is a i Believe a puffer fish i'm not sure the Beak And then we have got some sticks Sticking out over here

Some dried i have no idea not a single Clue what this Is and then we've got some plants over Here now this is perfect oh i don't like The look of this because it is a little Bit Uh moldy so that can go She can web around and once she has done This like right over here once she has Done the exact same thing over here In there that's gonna be awesome so yeah Without any further ado Let's get this girl into her brand new Enclosure Now we're gonna be putting it like this So we can plot her out here and oh wait Catch cop this is an old world and i am Not about to lose this one okay we have Got a catch cup over It's a little bit small but i think it Should do what do you think Do you think this catch cup would do yep Cool let's get this girl Into her new enclosure But it is going to be fun because i Don't know this girl she is a darling And she can be bolty These guys whoa defensive as well so we Gotta be a little bit Careful and a little whoa whoa Whoa girl okay you know what You give me a thumbnail like right here Yo Okay you're mean aren't you you're super

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Mean I thought you were gonna die like but Looks like you came back to Life but yeah girl let's go what is that At the back of you did you like pee over There oh my goodness okay girl You calm down because i'm giving you a Nice enclosure so you better be thankful Come on girl oh my goodness this girl i Think this girl Should be old enough to breed in a few Months i think in one or two more molds They'll be awesome once we get to breed This girl They'll be sweet you know what let me Just i'm just going to be using the Ketchup oh Okay okay i guess it Really is too small let's just do this I'm going to be putting this over And letting her hopefully both in so let Me just Slot this over here like how we usually Do There we go and then get her to bolt up And Into her new enclosure come on girl go Go no you don't be defensive here okay You know what Let me get the cover so we can make it Like a barrier oh my gosh This girl super stubborn yo i thought You were gonna die But then you are like super active

Now that is awesome back to the cover Method come on girl Go no no no no no go up up up up go up Come on yep you're almost no no no no You're not coming Out the enclosure you're going up The enclosure go there we go come on Going up i don't want to hurt you so I would appreciate if you let's go girl Oh Heck yeah there we go Right into our new enclosure look at That this looks very very naturalistic I think this looks a lot like how they Are in the natural habitat as soon as She gets in she goes and snuggles at the Side because i mean she's a little bit Stressed out but once she has adapted Into this enclosure Everything's gonna be webbed up and i Cannot wait for that to happen So yeah let's go get the water dish and We are Officially what oh oh of course This thing why do you have to block my Way come on man There we go back in the room you can Hear my voice difference right from the Outside and on the inside that is why i Like Doing videos outside it sounds so much Better but You know sometimes we gotta do stuff Inside

See also  TARANTULA CHEWED THROUGH ENCLOSURE!! (Cyriopagopus Hati Hati rehousing)

But yeah let's get the water dish i Still have quite a bit of water justice In here which is awesome I've got a computer wire barrier over There So we gotta go around and we gotta put This water dish Into the enclosure oh yeah this is what I mean this is why i rested this lid Onto tile just now because if i didn't It would be just You'll be pretty much straining on this Because this is actually held on by Silicone So it's not the strongest thing but i Mean if it works it works so Let's just plot this over here so if she Wants you can drink And guys that will be it i hope you Enjoyed this video if you liked it make Sure you thumbs it up if you didn't then Free world guys there's the thumbs down Button i i guess you can do that If you're new to this channel make sure To subscribe and hit that notification Bell i'll see you in the next video guys Take care have a good one peace
