Spider Man 2 Just Got Even Bigger…

Press Pass Collectibles

Spider Man 2 Just Got Even Bigger… In this video I discuss How Huge the Open World of Spider-Man 2 will be, Devs Confirmed the Size! (ITS 2X BIGGER!!!) Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Villains Revealed, How they will affect the Story and Setting of Spider-Man 2 PS5? Tune in to learn about the latest news, leaks and rumors and everything you need to know about Insomiac Games upcoming Spider-Man 2 only for the PlayStation 5.


Business contact: wesnemo@amg.gg – nemohhtv@gmail.com

In this video I discuss the latest news, and leaks for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 the upcoming Open World game by Insomniac Games in development for the PlayStation 5, I discuss How huge the Open World will be, along with that I go over the story of Spider-Man 2, the games release date and so much more!

00:00 Intro
01:00 Spider-Man 2 Villains Confirmed
02:21 How Huge is the Open World?
03:30 Graphics Controversy (Puddle gate v2)
06:01 Spider-Man 2 Downgraded??
07:51 Release Date/Possible Delay?
10:45 Outro + 120k PS5 Giveaway

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