A mysterious death ~ RED BLOOD? RANDOM EGGS??? how? why?? what???

No freaking way you cannot be serious Man No no no Oh my how How how how my king kraton My dark earth tiger Oh there's like maggots How did you how did you die How i don't understand oh Yuck you're doing so well Look at that is that blood Oh my and i can't even get it out See she even made such a nice Oh my gosh and this girl is only about There she is no I didn't know tarantulas have red blood As well How how did how did you die I got her as a sling back in 2016 So you guys do the math how old she Actually is And definitely she's not old because They live about 12 years old i think So she is about around the middle age Middle age oh My gosh How and why and i i'm so Her enclosure is perfect i have no idea She's been eating so well how Why oh Don't know man like seriously Seriously you're so you're such a Majestic girl Like a full grown six interest

Look at that and I don't even know Now i i've started like turning on my Aircon like 24 7. So the temperature in this room is about 25 degrees Constant constant 25 degrees The humidity is right how the how How just i i don't know man I don't know how does this keep Happening like my tarantulas Are like why i i just Lost words man like i don't i don't even Know what to Why don't they keep dying [Music] It's definitely i mean she's been in That enclosure for how long Like i don't know like I got these custom-made enclosures when They were i mean not when they were About but like In 2020 right yeah 20 20 20 19 no Cannot be i got them in around yeah Early of 2019 i Think i can't even remember man and They've been living them For so long i did not even rehouse this Girl she's been in this enclosure for So long and she has pretty much meet Like Oh that is disgusting Yuck look at that amount of maggots

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What no freak wait Wait wait a minute i think i know why She died I think i know why she died She oh look at that i did not even pair Her you guys Look at those you see those round things Those eggs I think she died right after she laid Eggs like Yeah those are Eggs why i mean i did not even pair her I did not pair her and then what She actually laid eggs Bruh oh my yo that is one New discovery like she had an Egg sac she laid an egg sac And then she died after that i mean i Did not pair her So that meant that was a phantom exact Meaning the eggs Are not fertilized and she died Shortly after i am I'm so confused like what How how I i don't even like What what It's full of eggs in there and then she Just No freaking way okay so definitely It is not the enclosure definitely It is not the temperature definitely It's not humidity But it's not egg bound she manages to

Lay the egg So why is she dead I'm so confused so basically she's Lived so long this is her first ever Phantom eggs act and then She dies have you guys ever come across Something like this before Comment down below because i'm so Confused And i didn't even know tarantulas like Bled like that what Can someone please explain to me what The heck Is going on here with my king kirchon my Dark earth tiger Because i am so confused and i have no Idea what the heck is going on Never paired lace and egg sack And then the xx die and then I don't know man you know what I don't even know already like my Tarantulas are dying for All different reasons it's definitely Not the enclosure At first before this i thought it was Substrate it's definitely not substrate Because Otherwise all of them would have died Right because they've been in these Enclosures with these substrate For a long time and Yeah they're dying for some weird Reasons Super weird so

See also  Packing DANGEROUS Tarantula Species vs NEAR DEATH mating.

Yeah i don't know guys let me know in The comments below Or send this to someone experienced So yeah i'll end the video here In a very confused state of mind So yeah i'll see you guys in the next Video Take care
