Andrew Garfield Future as Spider Man

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There is a lot of discussion after the premiere of Spider Man No Way Home.
I have a question, and many of us have Andrew Garfield’s Future as Spider-Man.

In this video, we looked at the most likely and most debated theories. Whether Garfield will be in Morbius is the question and answer we’ve touched on.
Why the film was postponed for 3 months and what relation Andrew may have to this.
It also seems important to me whether Garfield and Morbius are in the same universe. You can hear my opinion on this theory in the video.
The topic that interested me most, Andrew Garfield returns to Venom.Tom Hardy has stated that he wants to see in Venom 3 a confrontation with Spider-Man.This is the best option for Sony and Garfield.Just imagine their battle, and it won’t be a solo spider movie and it won’t hurt Holland.
Find out the answers to your questions in the video!

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