I never thought I would find myself experimenting with unusual fishing baits for my tarantulas. They may be confused, but the results are truly fascinating. Introduction Hey guys!…
2 MISSING GHOST Ornamentals – When you CAN’T FIND the tarantulas you’re rehousing.. (P vittata)
When you’re on the hunt for two missing ghost ornamentals, the experience can be both thrilling and nerve-wracking. If you can’t locate the tarantulas you’re rehousing, the situation…
Some ARBOREAL tarantulas like being TERRESTRIAL too !!!
They say some arboreal tarantulas have a unique fondness for spending time as terrestrial creatures as well. Some ARBOREAL tarantulas like being TERRESTRIAL too !!! Introduction In the…
Beautiful, DARK & MEAN as HECK! Tarantula Unboxing + some VERY special slings
Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey into the intriguing world of tarantulas? In this blog post, you will witness the beauty of these creatures and…
In their blog post on THICC JUICY TREATS for their BIGGEST MEANEST TARANTULAS, they delve into the tantalizing world of delectable delights to satisfy their beloved eight-legged companions.…
my RAREST & most TREASURED tarantula died – RIP Persephone the S hoffmanni
As you embark on this heartfelt journey with me, let me share the news that my rarest and most treasured tarantula, Persephone the S hoffmanni, has sadly passed…
i SAVED my PETS from a Silent Massacre.
If you were faced with saving your beloved pets from a silent massacre, what would you do? Learn about a heartbreaking yet heroic tale of rescue and survival…
I LIED TO my husband .. Venomous Snake Unboxing (Tricolor Hognose)
Have you ever thought about the consequences of keeping secrets from your loved ones? In this blog post, you’ll discover the shocking truth behind my decision to deceive…
During what could be described as one of his most chaotic weeks, Sam faced a slew of unexpected challenges that tested his resilience and patience. His determination was…
IMPULSE BUYING 3 SPiCY Old World Tarantulas From The Pet Store – HECKIN GOOD FINDS!
When I walked into the pet store, my eyes landed on three Spicy Old World Tarantulas that instantly captured my attention. Little did I know that this impulse…