Bloodborne – Rom, the Vacuous Spider Easy Kill

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Bloodborne – How to beat Rom, the Vacuous Spider

Boss Weaknesses: Bolt, bolt, bolt!
What you’ll need: Bolt paper, poison knives if you want to poison boss (probably not worth it)

As great as the Saw Spear is, this is one occasion where you might want to swap out for the Tonitrus if you have a bunch of materials to upgrade it. If not? Just slap on some bolt paper. Beast Blood Pellets are recommended, because Rom can’t do much to you most of the time. Generally, you will want to abuse Beast Blood Pellets against bosses who are slow/stationary. One Reborn = yes. Logarius = no. Ebrietas = yes. Gascoigne = no and so on. Experiment with what works best for you. If you find yourself getting hit a lot, then maybe give the pellets a miss.

Starting Class: Military Veteran
Starting weapon: Hunter’s Axe + Hunter’s Pistol
Primary weapon: Saw Spear
Secondary weapon: Hunter’s Axe
Stats to focus on: Getting STRENGTH and SKILL to 25 each should be your priority. If you are taking a lot of damage, you can focus more on Health. Once you have STR/SKL at 25 respectively, you can get some more Health/Endurance, and once you’re comfortable, keep on pushing STR/SKL as high as you like, although I wouldn’t recommend going higher than 40 or 50.

Important items: Beast Blood Pellets, Fire Paper, Bolt Paper.

This guide is intended to be part of a series, meaning that I will be using the same basic set-up in most of them. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment!

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Playlist for the guide:

Special thanks: Bloodborne Official Guide for exact values on Boss HP and resistance values.

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