Brown Headed Spider Monkeys being Fed and Climbing

Puffy Lux

The brown headed spider monkey is found in the jungles of northern South America and Central America.

These monkeys have long, slender limbs and a prehensile tail that is used to swing between branches. The tail is much longer than the body and measuring 70-85 cm in length while the body varies from 40-55 cm. The average weight of both males and females is 9 kg.
The coat is long and shaggy, usually with a lighter underside. Around each eye is a white ring. The hands and feet are adapted to climbing. They have a poorly developed thumb.

The brown headed spider monkey lives up to its name by jumping from branch to branch and tree to tree so they can overcome large distances up to 9 meters.

The menu consists mainly of fruits, but he also eats leaves, tree bark, young twigs and honey. Occasionally they also eat bird eggs and insects.

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