Buying SPIDERS ONLINE?.. 5 Websites that WON’T SCAM YOU!

And we don't need that nobody needs that The tarantula hobby does not need that So I guess today is not my typical Content but it is something that I Wanted to talk about on my channel and There's gonna be a lot of talking so go Ahead and get a drink and get Comfortable because we are just going to Have a conversation today and also I Need to mention we are in the final 10 Days of getting a pixie plush so if you Want one they are extremely limited Edition they will not be remade after This so if you want one please go grab One ASAP the link is down below I've been keeping tarantulas since 2017. That's when I kind of entered the Hobby And I have seen so many businesses and Breeders and even Keepers just come and Go like a revolving door several of Which even became pretty reputable and Then allegedly ghosted people out of Thousands of dollars It's interesting to see who is still There after a few years I'll just say That I realized that there's some Skepticism that's come up around Purchasing your inverts online and That's completely understandable I get That I'm a skeptical person too Especially making online purchases I am Really skeptical even when people reach Out for me to promote them I I really Don't accept many promotions or

Sponsorships unless I really actually Know those people now with all that said Quite the intro I know again I told you Get get your drink get a snack settle in I actually wanted to try to put out some Positivity today I wanted to just Highlight some vendors some breeders Importers that are in the hobby that I Really admire that I really have grown To trust businesses that are very Reputable that I feel comfortable Recommending to you guys because I get Asked so often what is a good business Where can I buy this spider this or that If you're on the U.S side of things this Is your video because I'm gonna Highlight some of my favorites these Vendors aren't just good in my opinion Union they're great and I'm not getting Paid anything by anybody for doing this Video this video is not sponsored I'm Not taking money from anybody on this List in fact I'm the one who reached out To everyone I'm going to mention today Oh and these are in no particular order Okay so let's be clear here too I'm not Ranking them like they're all awesome For different reasons and they all have Something unique about them and that's Why I kind of put them on this list as Well so now let's get into it okay The first business I want to talk about Doesn't really deal too much with Tarantulas they have some here and there

But mainly they are into insects and Other inverts and that is bugs and Cyberspace foreign [Music] [Music] So I've done a couple unboxings from Bugs in cyberspace I think I sought them Out first actually yeah I contacted them First and every time we've worked Together it's been for me contacting Them because I just really like their Website and they're great so this is a Website that's been around a long time Hi my name is Peter Claussen from Bugs And and put my website up In 1997. can't believe that much time Has passed it's gone very quickly he Also has a YouTube channel with Information on most of the species that He sells and I think his videos are Really like good to just chill and Listen to he's like a really chill dude But what I personally like about bugs in Cyberspace is how they often will have Inverts Beyond just spiders and Tarantulas they really get some unique Stuff and they have the information and Knowledge and keeping each species I've Also noticed that they seem to have Knowledge and bugs and spiders that People don't really keep much in the Hobby and it seems like all the Information they have about the inverts That they sell they've actually gotten

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From like first-hand experience like Peter's kept them and he knows about Them and it's his own experiences that He's learned from it's not just like Going online and researching it and like Reading other people's experiences and Care information like he actually like Knows things that he's learned by Keeping them himself this is a vendor That I can tell is really passionate About what they do they really love what They do the money and the business is Just something that comes along with the Passion that they have and it really Shows again Peter's been around longer Than I have so he's really experienced Knowledgeable he knows things that I ca I have no idea about porn on the head is Called the cephalicorn if you are Looking for a unique bug insect or Invert his website is the first one I Would go to especially on the bug side Of things because he's going to have all Of that mostly [Music] [Music] Okay so this next vendor we're going to Talk about is probably a new face to you Guys because I don't think I've ever Mentioned him on my channel I haven't Done an unboxing from him although I Really want to and I keep meaning to Order something but I just haven't yet I'm talking about things TV hey how's it

Going this is Tom over at thanks TV so This is ran by somebody named Tom and no I'm not talking about that Tom or that Tom I'm talking about this This apart for me is his like boss level Of breeding he is crazy the things he'd Post I I'm shocked like it definitely Got my attention so he focuses mainly on Captive breeding and instead of Wholesaling his stock to other vendors I've heard he actually just sells it all Himself which is really admirable if You're gonna have a sack with like Hundreds of babies and you can sell it All yourself and you don't have to Wholesale it like you have patience you Have the time you have the passion he Really Prides his business on captive Bred slings and honestly not every Vendor can pull that off [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Here's everything from common tarantulas To more rare and unique tarantulas his Pricing seems legit his business is run Really smoothly I've never heard a bad Thing about it so if you haven't ever Checked him out you really should I will Of course put links down below for him As well [Music] You know

What I love about micro Wilderness is Their focus on a phono pelma and Conservation a phono pelmet is one of my Favorite genus and it just seems like it Often gets pushed to the side at least By Americans because in America and the Us we have a phonapoma [Music] [Music] Not many people appreciate them they get Overlooked a lot there's not a lot of Captive breeding going on of them Whatsoever there's there's lots of Removing from the wild which is just Isn't going to be sustainable long term So it's good to have a business to have Somebody who's passionate about the Aphonopoma about the conservation and Breeding of a phonophilma Nate is a Professional at finding them in the wild He knows their habitats he knows how to Keep them he knows how to breed them He's in a phonopelma pro this is my First moderatum that we found here in Texas now of course micro Wilderness They deal with a lot of different Species they do a lot of breeding with Other species as well but I just really Like how he focuses on what's right in Front of him whereas a lot of vendors a Lot of breeders aren't as focused on Like the boring brown spiders that don't Really cost a lot you know there's not Too much money in breeding and a

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Phonopelma calcoties if you look at it On like a business aspect and also Nate Will breed a phono pelma species that Are native to an area and then release The egg sacs half the egg Sac sometimes The whole egg sack back into the area Where the mom or the dad or both of them Had came from so here's another location That We owe some of these guys to you don't Get any like monetary gain out of that That's just 100 passion and I love that [Music] Over there because it is monsooning here Too as you can see there's a couple of These slings walking around I just finished putting 20 right by the Bolder closer or not Bolder Rock cluster Over there There's a river down there which we Released a few I just don't want to release too many Because I don't know what's going to Happen with a water level because it's Monsooning not many people can say they Give back that [Music] Okay so let's talk about this next Vendor uh you guys are probably gonna be Pretty familiar with it but it's Fang Hub tarantulas and full disclosure Amy And her son Quinton I'm tight with them I'm scared of tarantulas I don't I don't Want to get too close no I'm scared do

They bite they they do they have teeth Are they poisonous they're venomous They're poisonous yes if I eat it what Happens nothing a lot of people eat them Amy is one of my best friends in fact When I first got into the tarantula Hobby and I started researching online And getting into tarantula groups Amy is One of the first people that I met and When she told me that she was starting Her own vending breeding tarantula Business I was so ecstatic for her Because she has the knowledge the Passion she has it all and she has Something a lot of vendors don't which Is the patience the patience to sit There especially with new Keepers if you Are new and you are looking to purchase Your first tarantula Fang cup tarantulas I mean it's a really stressful full Process to like order your first Tarantula online to research vendors to Research species and then on top of it Like have to unbox it and everything I Remember my first unboxing I was shaking But yeah I I get how stressful it is and Amy is like the person to go to for that But that's not really the only reason Why I recommend her she is like a pro When it comes to keeping and breeding And raising tea saladonia she's bred Them so many times that I feel like if You have a tea saladonia there's a Pretty good chance at least Stateside

That it came from her Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] And as you know this species along with Other Brazilian species cannot be Legally imported into the United States Anymore so what is here is here and if It wasn't for people like her focusing On those species and breeding them in Captivity I don't know if there would be A future for them in the United States Pet hobby I just don't really see how it Would be possible and to be honest her Pricing on T solidonia and other species Is pretty like competitive she's really Generous and I know that sometimes she Intentionally prices t-cella Dona Especially lower so that more people can Afford them not many vendors can or Would do that and it's just amazing that There's people like Amy out here in the Hobby making it a better place for all Of us so of course if you want to look More into fancock tarantulas their link Is down below as well I'm sure a lot of You can guess by now who is the last Person I'm going to talk about today and That's going to be Tom Patterson from Hardcore arachnids

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That's right Tom Patterson finally got a Website you don't have to email him Anymore welcome to the year 2023 you can Order from him on his own website now That he has a website he can finally get Internet that's not dial up maybe he'll Get some Wi-Fi I don't know [Music] Foreign [Music] He's one of the oldest oldest he's old Tom you're old Um he's one of the oldest vendors Breeders guys in the game there's not That many people that can say that They've been doing this since the 90s But Tom is one of them Tom Patterson is A great breeder he's a great vendor and He also Imports him and Frank Sama who Also has been in the game quite a long Time and possibly taught time everything He knows they will import things into The country that really you just can't Find including an especially true Spiders I would say that Tom specializes And focuses on a lot of things but the True spiders are I mean he's the guy to Go to for a truce fighter depending on What you're looking for he's probably Had it probably has kept it and he might Be able to get it I just don't feel like The tarantula happy would be the same Without Tom Patterson at this point he Just has earned his reputation and he's

Killing it I really admire Tom to be Honest I do so you know don't show him This video don't tell him that I Mentioned him please don't tell Tom that I like him please do not tell him Because it will go to his head and we Don't need that nobody needs that the Tarantula hobby does not need that but Check out his new website go show him Some love gonna be on tarantula cat That's all I have for you guys today if There's other vendors I didn't mention Here it doesn't mean that they're bad it Doesn't mean that they're not reputable It just means that I maybe haven't used Them there are so many vendors that are Reputable so don't think that if they're Not on this list they're not I'm just Sharing like my favorites and people That I really would trust to recommend To you guys so yeah anyway like this Video If you enjoyed subscribe if you're Not if you want to be don't forget I Have Instagram videos probably way too Much as I turn into that cat you go Follow me there as of a patreon podcast And a Teespring it is all linked down Below I will see you guys soon let's get Into the patreon pet pics Foreign [Music]
