CAPTAIN SPIDER Trailer #1 HD | Disney+ Concept | Tom Holland, Chris Evans

Puffy Lux

This is a fan made trailer. No copyright infringement intended.

As we all know, Steve has passed on the title of ‘Captain America’ to Sam Wilson (who will appear in his new role in Marvel’s The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, airing March 2021). BUT what if the shield was passed on to another Avenger…?

Inspired by the amazing mashup art by Christ Ave (shown in thumbnail), here is a trailer showing just why Peter would fit the part of Captain America!


To check out more Christ Ave:


Copyright Disclaimer: This video is protected under fair use. It uses brief clippings of existing media to communicate a new concept/idea that fans are able to consume as either celebratory or theoretical commentary on how a film/cinematic universe could look. This is often intended as parody and/or social critique on the typical male hero-trope either by providing light on female heroism in its place or by mimicking action trailer themes. It draws upon existing art to suggest new ventures and/or propose changes to current products.

#CaptainSpider #SpiderMan #MCU

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