What's up guys so I just collected a Green bottle blue matured female from Someone and I'm gonna be re-housing her Into an enclosure that used to have a Dead tarantula inside I mean it was a Previous tarantula's home but then the Tarantula passed away so yeah I washed The entire enclosure just in case there Are like any bacteria or germs or Something so yeah this is what she's Going to be in I'm going to be preparing The inside and then we'll get her Rehoused in here [Music] Foreign [Music] Girl now let me introduce to you your New Enclosure check this out so while I Explain to the viewers you can watch as Well okay so guys over here we have a Nicely done up enclosure and well after The enclosure cleaning I actually also Poured hot boiling water on this stuff Inside just so you'll kill off any germ For bacteria or are they the same yeah It'll kill off any bad stuff that are on It for this new girl over here so in Here we have some dried leaves we have a Substrate mix look at that very very Delicious okay now we've got some plants At the back we've actually got a Domestic dog scar that I found a long Long time ago so we're gonna keep that
In there and then we've got some pebbles At the back and a water dish over here So that's basically it a lot of sticks Sticking up because gbbs like to Anchor They're wet and make like tunnels and All so I cannot wait for her to do that Let's get her in and see how she likes Her you know enclosure so I drove about Hmm how far did I drive about an hour Away to collect this girl from a guy the Guy is actually 14 years old he kept This tarantula from a sling ever since He was eight so it's about six years Result is my math even right yep about Six years old so this girl is about half Her age half her life span so yeah maybe Another six seven more years with me Hopefully hopefully nothing bad happens But yeah let's introduce her to a new Enclosure do not come out at me okay I've got a nice soft brush over here and Let's get In slowly hopefully she doesn't bolt Don't be stubborn Be a good girl Cooperative girl and I'm sure you're Gonna love this new enclosure Come on let's go Oh yeah look at her absolutely beautiful I love love love love love love gbbs I'm So it's probably my favorite species if You guys ask me like what is the one Species if I had to choose one to keep It's going to have to be the gbb because
They're just awesome they're so Beautiful they're heavy Webbers they're Good eaters they're just all round and Awesome tarantulas Girl go in oh this girl is very very Gentle and chill which is awesome Because a lot of gbbs they're very bolty Yeah so that is awesome I cannot wait For her to start webbing everywhere Because that would be awesome am I a Little bit bald down there but Yeah maybe a little bit stressed but There's no hairs in here usually if They're stressed and they kick hairs it Should be during the shipping but I Don't know maybe she was stressed with The previous owner no clue but yeah I've Got one more thing to unbox well one Thing to unbox because this is not Considered an unboxing but yeah let me Show you let's let her settle in over Here and you will see her in the future Feeding video oh yeah before we do that One thing I've noticed something really Really I don't know if it's weird or Just I guess it's not weird but look at This so this gbb is around the same size As this in Lake span but this one looks Way smaller like look at the difference Yes I know this one is like the lakes Are all out but I'm in the abdomen the Carapace the head and all this one looks Way way bigger than this So
Yeah just wanted to point that out Because I just noticed it