Doctor Octopus Will Help Spider-Man In No Way Home

Puffy Lux

No Way Home is shaping up to be quite the Spider-Man epic, with three Spiders battling the most villains a live-action Spider-man movie has ever seen, thanks to interdimensional shenanigans. But some of these returning characters already had their arc – and some even turned a new leaf in their final confrontation, like Doctor Octopus back in Spider-Man 2. So why would he fight the Spider-Men? Well… maybe he doesn’t. Maybe he actually helps them.

Comics Doctor Octopus is largely played unsympathetically, with exceptions found in storylines like “Superior Spider-Man”, as a person who is always more concerned with proving his greatness than with actually doing good. He is very much a classic “mad scientist” with some of the most destructive plans among Spidey’s villains. So why would he help ANY Spider-Man in No Way Home?


0:00 Intro
00:28 Doctor Octopus and Friends?
4:00 Returning to Villain Origins


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Written by: Bjarke “Esh” Johansen
Narrated by: Bjarke “Esh” Johansen
Edited by: Bjarke “Esh” Johansen

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