Even Tarantulas have their BREEDING MOOD SWINGS !!!

Grab your popcorns grab your drinks Today's video we're going to be pairing The antennas for the third time and by The way this drink oh my gosh this is Legit the best drink ever well Warheads It's the best drink ever the sweets They're so freaking nice not sponsored But I really love the blue one the Blueberry I think was it blueberry yeah The blue soda that was the best I've not Tried this one so I would I would expect It's awesome as well That Oh my God It's so freaking good So my sister bought this from the UK she Went to the UK because I love the suite So she bought this and I was like oh my Gosh and it's awesome Anyways Let's get to the pairing I'm gonna lift The lid and hope she does not run into Her burrow oh yeah there we go so there She is in all her glory right there Oh no oh no yeah of course she goes in Okay anyways let's get this opened and We'll get the mail in so the mail is Currently at its water dish I hope he Doesn't run in there he is hopefully she Doesn't run out at him let's see okay Okay little buddy there we go there we Go go oh kicking hairs already wow okay Let's go by the way if my voice is a Little like like dull because I just

Woke up so yeah okay let's go let's go Let's go okay females there she's going In come on buddy let's go let's go all Right we're gonna have to put him at the Borough entrance because we know how This mail Works we've paired him like Twice already okay all right So I think I think we we can just wait Here I guess okay he's right at entrance And the female's lake is there so Hopefully she just doesn't run out and Grab him Okay here we go here we go again here we Go that was fast that was fast that Wasn't even a minute okay that wasn't Even a minute so let's see how this time Goes because the second time I'm not Really sure if it was a success because I panicked and I blocked them too Quickly but let's see let's see we're Gonna have to make use of this mail to The max because I don't know how long he Has left to live because he matured up Quite some time ago so yeah let's see How this goes the oh yes yes I think the Female is yeah definitely responsive We'll see how this goes we'll see how This goes yeah here we go All right is my phone even focused I Hope it is Okay okay Yes that's a very good sign come on oh No no what are you doing what are you Doing this is like the first time you

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Are like like the first time that we Paired like remember he he walked all Around oh my gosh come on buddy you can Do this oh and he's going back in and he Is going back in like Oh my gosh why are you walking over her Oh no oh no that is not good my friend That is horrible what are you doing I Would love for the female to drum Because if she drums he will definitely Sense it and he will go for her but if She's not doing anything that's the Scary part right now I like the fact That Okay oh my gosh My gosh a fangs are literally in between His leg like can you see that I'm not Sure what's the smell even doing man Come on what are you doing okay it's Vibrating He is vibrating He is vibrating okay that's a good sign Oh my gosh Okay here we go Here we go oh Okay okay What's happening all right okay Oh you Emil what are you doing meal what Are you doing Come on come on don't back down now Don't back off now come on man you got This is going in come on bring her out What are you doing Freaking serious man

Oh the female wants you so much and you Don't want her And she's gone Are you freaking serious male Like dead serious oh freaking out man no Come on come on buddy let's not let's Not do this now What are you doing Okay Should we like try another day Yeah I think we should try another day This guy is like not in the mood right Now Are you Oh you want to try again Okay okay This is the last attempt If nothing happens right now we're gonna Separate him I saw this male has his his Own mood swings like there are times That he wants to pair there are times That he just doesn't want a pair it's Like I can try tomorrow and he'll just Pair straight away but like the fact That this female always accepts him but I mean the second time did she try to Eat him I'm not sure I'm not sure if he Actually inserted Okay so it has been like a really really Long time he's been just in this Position females gone into her burrow He's not doing anything so I think we Should try another day okay we should Try another day come on Mel get out

I don't think he wants to pair today so We will Yeah okay there we go There we go okay because he's not doing Anything and I don't want the female to Like think he is food so we'll just get Him back into his enclosure because I Don't want to risk him getting eaten oh No because he's the only male mature Male antennas that we've got so I don't Want to risk the female because when the Male sometimes when males don't do Anything females get tired of them and They'll just pounce on them so I don't Want to risk that so I will just end This video over here well not this video I start off since there's nothing Happening in this video we'll feed some Slings to I don't know make the video a Little bit better so I'm going to be Cutting a lot of this video and every Cut in this video that you see it's Pretty much a long time that I'm I was Waiting for the male or female to do Something so I'll just cut that off so That's how it is okay this video is Actually longer wait wait wait wait wait Longer than it actually is but I'm just Gonna cut so we can feed some slings and Yeah let's do that so as you can see the Female is way in there in her Burrows so It will repair another time so we've got Some meal worms over here we are going To be giving them to well we have two

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Species over here we have the panther be This platioma and the gremistola option So yeah let's get them fed these Mealworms have grown very very big some Of them have already like cocooned up to Be beetles and yeah pupae I mean Pupa Yeah let's feed these little wormies too Some slings so this is a grandma Stroller action oh my gosh oh my gosh They kind of look like the a hair ringy In my opinion but yeah let's Let's go So cute man yeah I can't wait till these Guys get to their adult size that'd be So freaking cool this is another action We're gonna be feeding all the actuals First and then we will oh my gosh why Are you doing the worms like freaking View serious man come on wormy get eaten Get eaten hell yeah this freaking worm You think you're gonna play that you Think you're gonna play dead and we're Gonna save you no no no we'll feed you To the next one so yeah this one's done Let's feed the next worm that one who Thinks he is see in the tarantula Enclosure he was playing dead outside He's moving sorry buddy you can't fool Us we're gonna feed you still I am not Sure if there's something Primo oh wait Did it more yeah I think it did let's Just test it out see if he'll he'll eat Hmm you hungry nope I think you're in Primo I think this one's in Primo you

Think you're still safe huh nobody sorry Okay let's see [Music] You are not a not a happy camper not at All and not a hungry camper as well so Yeah This world is so lucky man This one's definitely in Primo yeah in Primo yep definitely in Primal sad yep So we're left with four Panther videos Planet Yoma if these four don't eat then This is probably the luckiest worm ever But I highly doubt it I highly highly Highly doubt it okay These guys are hungry species come on oh Man you seriously were you buried the Tea come on man what are you doing Wow you are one heck of a lucky worm my Friend here Go oh No you're not coming up you're not Coming out come on come on Oh are you serious man are you freaking Serious you you you serious Here The world Come on come on you serious bro bro Oh my gosh this is legit the luckiest Worm ever wow this one molted look at The colors man whoa that is so freaking Cool okay let's try again Are you serious bro Come on come on come on yeah yep yep You're not very lucky anymore

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Oh yeah buddy you are one screwed worm Okay we can we can sex this more later Yeah Nice Goodbye wormy goodbye Let's go let's freaking go go no no you Let it go you let the worm Go I mean This one definitely wants it so usually I'll just pre-kill the worm and let them Scavenge on it later because I'm afraid That the worm that can actually harm the Tea you know mealworms are aggressive Little things so you don't want to leave A mealworm or super Worm for that matter In your tarantula enclosure alive if you Wanna like like feed them when the Tarantula is not very responsive the Best is to pre-kill them just like this One usually if the tarantula doesn't Like grab straight away I'll just like Pre-kill them and just leave it in and Try to our scavenge okay so I think This video is long enough so yeah that Will be it for today's video I'll just End it there I'm gonna finish up my Drink and if you guys haven't tried this Drink go try it so cool and it's so nice Even unsponsored so anyways guys I'll See you in the next video hopefully the Pairing the future pairing will be a Success so yeah see you guys later
