GIANT Goliath Tarantula Eats *unalive* MOUSE!.. Feeding My Tarantulas

Welcome to our blog post, where we delve into the captivating world of our beloved Goliath Tarantulas and their intriguing feeding habits. Today, we invite you to join us on an exciting journey as we witness one of these amazing creatures devour an unalive mouse. Our passion for tarantulas has led us to explore and understand their unique behaviors, and we are thrilled to share this extraordinary experience with all of you. So, let’s dive in and find out what makes tarantulas such formidable predators in the wild!


In this unique and exciting video by tarantula kat, we get to witness the feeding habits of some truly remarkable and fascinating creatures. As tarantula enthusiasts, we haven’t had the pleasure of seeing a tarantula feeding video in a long time, so this comes as a delightful treat. In this article, we’ll delve into the captivating world of tarantulas and explore the various feeding moments showcased in this video. So sit back, relax, and get ready to be amazed!

Heading 1: Panther Beatus – A Fearsome Predator

Sub-heading: Starting with a Panther Beatus, great takedown, happy dance

The video kicks off with a magnificent tarantula known as the Panther Beatus. With its sleek black coloring and unique markings, this arachnid is truly a sight to behold. As we watch, the tarantula swiftly takes down its prey, showcasing its incredible hunting skills. We can’t help but feel a sense of joy as we witness the tarantula’s happy dance after devouring its meal. It’s truly a thrilling experience to see these creatures in action.

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Heading 2: Feeding Gumdrop – The Green Bottle Blue

Sub-heading: Feeding Gumdrop, the Green Bottle Blue

Moving on, we are introduced to Gumdrop, a stunning Green Bottle Blue tarantula. Known for its vibrant colors, this species captures our attention immediately. As we observe Gumdrop in action, we are captivated by its graceful movements and precise strikes. This particular feeding moment highlights the agility and precision that tarantulas possess when it comes to capturing their prey. It’s a fascinating display of nature’s wonders.

Heading 3: Acanthoscurria Janiculata – A Master of Self-Grooming

Sub-heading: Feeding Acanthoscurria Janiculata, cool takedown, grooming herself

Next up, we witness the feeding of an Acanthoscurria Janiculata tarantula. This species is known for its impressive hunting skills and ability to groom itself meticulously. As we watch this tarantula effortlessly take down its meal, we are mesmerized by its cool and calculated approach. What makes this feeding moment even more intriguing is the tarantula’s subsequent grooming session. It takes its time to clean itself, ensuring its exoskeleton remains in prime condition. It’s a fascinating insight into the intricate behaviors of these incredible creatures.

Heading 4: Pterinochilus Metallica – The Elusive Beauty

Sub-heading: Feeding Pterinochilus Metallica, rarely shows itself, but it’s eating

The video then takes us to the feeding scene of a Pterinochilus Metallica tarantula, a species that rarely makes an appearance. This elusive beauty captures our attention with its vibrant blue coloration and unique patterns. As the tarantula begins to devour its meal, we are reminded of the hidden wonders within the world of tarantulas. It’s a rare treat to witness the feeding habits of this particular species, and we can’t help but appreciate its beauty and grace.

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Heading 5: Psalmopoeus Michala – A Voracious Appetite

Sub-heading: Feeding Psalmopoeus Michala, usually quite hungry

In this segment, we are taken on a feeding journey with the Psalmopoeus Michala tarantula. Known for its insatiable hunger, this species never fails to impress when it comes to mealtime. As we watch the tarantula eagerly devour its prey, we can’t help but marvel at its voracious appetite. It’s a testament to the diversity within the world of tarantulas and their unique feeding habits.

Heading 6: Spelopelma Hoffmani – The Horned Wonder

Sub-heading: Feeding S. Hoffmani, the only New World species with a horn on its head

Last but certainly not least, we are introduced to the intriguing Spelopelma Hoffmani tarantula. This New World species stands out from the crowd with its distinct horn on its head, making it a true marvel of nature. As we witness the tarantula’s feeding moment, we are reminded of the incredible adaptations that exist within the world of tarantulas. It’s astonishing to see the diversity that nature has to offer, even within a single group of creatures.


In conclusion, tarantula kat’s video showcasing the feeding habits of various tarantulas is a remarkable journey into the world of these fascinating creatures. From the ferocious takedowns of the Panther Beatus and the graceful strikes of Gumdrop to the self-grooming rituals of Acanthoscurria Janiculata and the elusive beauty of Pterinochilus Metallica, we are left in awe of nature’s wonders. The insatiable appetite of Psalmopoeus Michala and the unique features of Spelopelma Hoffmani serve as a reminder of the incredible diversity that exists within the tarantula kingdom.

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FAQs After The Conclusion:

  1. Q: How often do tarantulas need to be fed?
    A: Tarantulas generally need to be fed every few weeks, as their metabolism is slower compared to other animals.

  2. Q: Can tarantulas eat anything other than live prey?
    A: While live prey is the most common choice for feeding tarantulas, some owners also offer pre-killed or frozen/thawed prey for convenience.

  3. Q: Are tarantulas dangerous to handle?
    A: It is generally not recommended to handle tarantulas, as they can bite or cause irritation with their urticating hairs.

  4. Q: How long can tarantulas go without eating?
    A: Tarantulas can go extended periods without eating, sometimes even months. Their ability to survive without food is one of their unique adaptations.

  5. Q: Can tarantulas be kept as pets?
    A: Yes, tarantulas are commonly kept as pets by enthusiasts around the world. However, proper care and understanding of their needs are essential.

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