Granny has a giant radioactive spider now that turned her into Spiderman….will things get even crazier???
What’s up MA DUDES!!!! How is it going today? Today we are going to be playing Granny with an amazing mod by Dr. Hack that allows us to change the entire house into a spider themed house. This mod takes into account the most recent update of 1.5 to granny that gave her a pet spider, and makes that spider so giant and awesome! Not only this, but Granny becomes Spiderman along the way, or shall we call her, SpiderGranny! We are going to have an amazing time today as we go in and use our imaginations and make the game less scary. We are going to play the game in our own unique way and mess around with Spiderman-Granny along the way! Join me on this awesome adventure to have some fun and explore Spider-Granny’s new house, new pet, and newly textured items! Enjoy.
Mod Link:
By: Dr. Hack
Merch Link:
(Escape-House Shirt)
(Golden Logo Shirt)
Become MA DUDE:
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Ending: Back Again by Lemmino