He GREW. Now what?.. SNAPPING TURTLE POND (in my living room)

No no no This is Bowser this is my common Snapping turtle I just want to grab you From behind Can I get you no he thinks I have food I Do not have food I just wanna I wanna Pick you up to show them your pretty Face But your your Jurassic Park necking Really bad so what am I supposed to do I'm just trying to keep his head this Way So I can do this gotcha He's like where's wait wait I thought I Thought we were getting food what is This here he is he's kind of like a Puppy dog he is not like Chompy at all Unless he thinks it's food then you know He'll probably try to take a bite but I Just like take you know safety Precautions and pick him up from behind And stuff like that but he's cool but He's grown he's grown he's he's becoming A quite the dinosaur this is the tiny Snapping turtle that we found half alive Going on two years ago and he has just Grown into this little monster and he's Just perfect he's he's a great pet Honestly like he is a great pet he's Just a little a little messy but I have Some friends coming over today that Actually have like snapping turtle Knowledge and experience and kanoa is Going to help me make his next been

Worthwhile even better I have the bin Right over here this is a much larger Bin as you can tell if you'll notice it Is black Unfortunately they don't really Make this size clear anymore how ever I Will say the turtle people I've talked To have said the clear bins make them Feel not as secure as the black ones so He probably will actually end up Enjoying the black bin better or at Least that's what that's what I've been Told what are you doing oh my gosh where What are you doing Woody I am mother I am mother snapping turtles have such a Bad reputation he is not like bad at all Yes he does have a little bit of an Attitude but it's not like it's not Aggressive he's just running after me He's because he wants food okay well While I have you there right behind you Right over here right over here yep Right back there is your new bin and That is where you're going to be moving Do you see it can you can you look over There look over there it's gonna be so Cool they're bringing you a bunch of Goodies you're gonna get new Driftwood Fish he's bringing fish it's gonna be Dope and they also custom made you a new Filter that's gonna help me take care of You and keep you clean like genuinely You are a spoiled little turtle why are You following me oh he is being so

Curious he keeps following me Try and bite you and no he's not gonna Try to bite me see what happens when he Gets close to you no he keeps trying to Climb on top of me but yeah I think That's the gist of everything they Should be here soon so I'm actually Going to start filling up the black bin With water just so we can get that done And that's one less thing we have to do When they get here and also I'm going to Start moving some Decor over in there I Know they're bringing some decor for him But I just figured I would bring his Decor over to the new bin as well so I Know this is like primarily a tarantula Invert Channel and that is my interest And we just did a snake upgrade video Last time but I guess 2023 is the year Of upgrades right are you ready Foreign [Music] A lot of water filled up in here I'm Gonna move him over into it but first I Have to put some primer in it this is What I use and I put in like a bunch of Ellen so we'll just Be generous with it and I'm just gonna Move his stuff over this is just gonna Be like me moving over what we already Have and more more is to come but before We move him over I do want to do one More Bowser break feeding in this old Tank

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[Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] Thank you [Music] [Music] Thank you Check out this Turtle she does not have A name yet if you guys have any ideas You should comment down below this is Not mine of course but kind of want to Keep her should we get one of these and Now we have to build a Bowser's filter He's gonna get jealous seeing me hold This other snapping turtle The turtle people have shown up and off With Cano's Ark with Arias Morris buying Turtles responsibly so this you said it Has like Travis's Lots of cracks and crabs all of your Minnows and crawfish and everything can Go in okay so now comes to the filter so You like the tannins in your water so we Can go ahead and toss out charcoal right Got some porcelain and the sponges you Just buy the super cheap stuff sponges Like this so it holds us because that's What's going to help the beneficial Bacteria so that's going to help it grow And then it's gonna like pretty much put This all in a bucket and like make a

Film yeah you're what we're pretty much Doing is we're creating um a natural Habitat in this bucket that's going to Do all the work and clean the filter Basically they're telling me They're telling me that I won't have to Have to go that'll work anymore with my Poop turkey baster groats So these are bulkhead seals this right Here make sure you don't leak any water Out it will stay it's it's made to fit a Curved Edge so a barrel or a bucket this Will stop everything from leaking Because we're not going to use any glue Or anything to contaminate any part of The filter yeah with these it's simple Now we're going to take the lava so the Bio balls have a sponge inside Foreign It doesn't have to be anything expensive It can be the cheapest ones you can find As long as they're not these ones just Disintegrate on me okay so now we're Gonna put a layer of this on so it Doesn't have to be a perfect circle you Just do whatever don't throw away all Your scraps whenever you go to do a new Filter change use all your scraps you Can just throw them in there um we're Not we're it's looking like we're Running out of room but you also want Everyone to cushion you want poly foam This is your polisher this is what's Going to make the water nice and pretty


That in we can set that on top and see How it looks all right so these are hold On let me get this over this so I don't Drip all over your floor okay and there We go all right so so these are going to Be essentially like the cleanup crew Right and these came from your pond yes Your private pond well originally they Came from the pond we breed them in the Tanks so we have little bitty mosquito Fish and that's really healthy for the Fish to eat we got a little bitty Shiners and that will also help to keep Any like if you have um let's say you Have this outside any mosquito or if You're in here and you get those house Flies that are annoying and they try to Lay their eggs and stuff in the water Those mosquito fish will take care of Those things too you see crawfish and These are like native yeah that's a Native crawfish from your pond yep That's crazy you don't want to get these From the wild if you get them from the Wild they will actually have these Little bitty I don't know what they are They're like little leeches that grow Underneath of their Pinchers And it's like I mean it looks like lava Underneath of them whenever you pick Them out they're so cool is the turtle Gonna eat them yes no oh this is really Healthy I'm gonna say that's actually a Good um meal for them no I'm so sad

Those are really good no I'm already Attached to them hey they'll like I said Like I said though the fish actually This is the top water here in the Beginning they learn real quickly that There's a turtle in there once they Start seeing everybody else getting Eaten that's pretty much Your turtle may not even like crawfish It may just leave them alone and say Hey You clean mine up you're good You got it you got free pets or the Crawfish is gonna see the other one get Eaten and then he'll learn and stay away From it I can bring you more crawfish You oh my God I love you know what's Funny crawfish are like my favorite food It's a buffet I think he's very happy He's already very happy with this There's so much to do you're doing good Thank you I've actually like uh really Tried hard Yeah like I said like when wrestling Turtles I've seen a lot of messed up Turtles this is not one of them see now He has to actually use those neck Muscles that's why you kind of want deep Water too because it's good because he's Now using his neck muscle expanding it To come up for air Like this He's more interested in the plant than The fish is Oh see the fish dodged him I'm about to

Say these fish have been around Turtles Did he get it no no he's still nothing Mosquito fish are normally they're used To dodging them jars What do you think Smart on it Oh did you get one Yeah This is so entertaining He's never gonna sleep I know He just gave up and attacked the one Those are the names Bowser you don't want to do this buddy You don't want to do this you want to be Friends oh there he goes no no no no no No no no It is done and it is awesome Bowser is Right there so he's just been hunting Fish like all night and all day he did Eat one of the Crawfish already at least One of them I think they gave me like Three I don't want him to eat the Crawfish but it is a part of his natural Diet so basically everything that they Brought me is from his private pond like He has Turtles and stuff too this is all Stuff that you would find in his habitat Like the plants the fish everything the Crawfish it's like a natural diet for Him this Driftwood even came from them And like it like folds over and makes Like the perfect place for like any Animals to hide like fish and stuff and As you know they built me this pump and

See also  Top 5 *VENOMOUS* Baboon Tarantulas (for beginners)

It is really awesome like it's gonna Make my life so much easier I'm not Really gonna have to do water changes or Anything the way that they put this Together it's basically going to take Care of itself which is a huge relief I'm probably gonna get a bigger light This is a mercury vapor bulb and it's Just like a little low so we're gonna Have to get a bigger one it's Essentially like I have a little pond in Our living room and it's absolutely Amazing it's so fun to watch I do wish That the bin could have been clear but It's still entertaining to watch and I'm Sure everything feels like pretty secure In here except maybe the fish don't Because there's Turtle swimming around Eating some of them but Um he misses a lot too so he does try to Get the fish but he he definitely is not The best at catching them probably Because I've tongue fed him his whole Life for the most part so but yeah this Is so cool I am so happy with it even More importantly it seems like Bowser is More happy way more happy I've never Seen him so active I'm really glad that They were willing to help me with this Upgrade because I was so completely Overwhelmed and it's so nice that Somebody stepped in who has experience Keeping snapping turtles um so thank you To kanoa's Arc and also to Johnny for

All all of their health and their advice I'll keep you guys updated like this Video If you enjoyed subscribe if you're Not and you want to be don't forget I'm An Instagram videos probably way too Much it's actually die cat you can go Follow me there I also have a patreon Podcast and a Teespring it is all linked Down below I will see you guys soon Don't worry I've got some tarantula Content coming up next for you guys and Yeah let's get to the patreon pet fix [Music] Foreign [Music]
