He wanted to Pair 4 Tarantulas ALL AT ONCE.. Good or Bad idea? Heh..

Know how to put them back in easily yes I'll teach you teaching from the MR feet And I will probably pull on your hand S [Laughter] Feet boy is back Dirty feet he brought his Thai zebra They're male and mature female okay what Do you mean it's the brush why not I Give you the brush yeah I know oh okay Of course I know why are you putting him Towards me why not Foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [ __ ] [Laughter] Caramba That's a piece [Laughter] Did you feed your female yeah okay He may bolt out again because now he's In Bolt mode I'm gonna use your brush Doesn't seemed like a good idea putting The brush in though You may run again Go Go [Music] No he's typing no it's not it's Preparing the ball again Okay

Okay Put him down now what you mean you're I'm going to put the thing down and let Her let him detect the female himself Are you sure oh my God Oh okay Uh this doesn't seem fun Not as fun as I think like this and Let's wait for hours now 25 hours later Are you feeling me now Mr Krabs Perfect perfect he's right on the web Now right on your web I'll give you 100 bucks if you get Bitten by my female no thanks why not You get bitten what do you mean I get Deepened more content if you write meat Stir feeds gets beaten no one will watch Yes they will Exotics there you go Beaten question mark very nice His leg was on this oh okay yeah Okay so this one is not doing anything For like how many 20 minutes So we have got this this male cobalt Blue and now wahidi you forgotten yeah There's there's another uh cobalt blue Pairing over there so now this one is The huahini Put him in I will put in you Where's the brush Your daddy I'm I'm watching like oh my Face no bad the female is somewhere in There okay wait this guy oh my God okay The female the female is there but the

Thing is her butt is the one that's Showing he's he's trying to lure her out So the first one was the zebra just Moving away okay so now let's let's put This guy in I'm watching the Cobalt Blues also for four pairings In one yep he's coming out Just just Oh There is not good Oh my I can't I can't I can't see okay Oh I saw there's his leg and there's the Female's leg beside that is not good What the heck mail All right so yep that's the mail oh he's Cooking Oh okay he's stepping he's tapping nice Nice he's bringing her out wow Okay so the cobalt blue is still That's a good sign All right she's drumming nice nice she's Coming out she's coming out she's coming Up oh this one this one is so fast This one's so fast cobalt blue Oh she's still tapping cobalt blue Female still with the butt this guy is Not doing anything and this one's the Most action The first to go in is the last to come Out I know right wow look at that That's so cool that's so nice That's like a freaking good so good sign Okay Wow I've never seen them pair before

See also  I’M QUITTING THE HOBBY IF ALL THESE ARE MALES 😂 ~ jk. [Tarantula Unboxing]

Oh my gosh he's stepping his hand yo Okay comma blue female has turned around She will be coming out soon but I think This one is going to be the the best I Mean the most this these two are still Not doing anything okay okay cobalt blue Cobalt blue mail moving in these two Still doing okay he is Doing this mail is still on the top this Smell is just actually made it has Children and back to this oh yup females Coming out Female is coming out very very slowly Get what are these two doing they're Still tapping like you can see the Female's legs over there Okay oh females coming out he went in oh No okay you filmed that this one the Female is coming out Oh my gosh okay she she went back in no Wait wait wait no he's done he's done He's done really yeah he's done But wait just just he may go in for a Second time I saw him he went under the Female okay oh let's see this one okay So female went in the female's coming Out again females coming out again Second round these two seriously okay oh She's coming up oh yes she's still Taking back nice nice Look at that Wow concentrating on 40s This okay oh my gosh here we go oh we Here we freaking go okay

Um Um uh I've This is this was a horrible idea What are we even Okay okay So this one and then this one and she's Coming out again I am ready to block This one if anything happens this one I Think you better blocky no no he is fine Because the female's responsive she's Realizing defense she's in freaking Threat posture so oh okay yep there he Goes yep can you see him doing it see on My side I can yeah you see you see my Camera yeah yeah yeah he's doing it Already insert nice All right so this guy is pretty much Done take him out no no he's still he's Still typing we have another female Right yeah I do yeah it's better to take Him out All right so this one the female is uh No the female's not coming out anymore Is she not yeah okay you may come Out Boy nice You did good job Okay I I Can't okay you got that okay oh okay Okay okay okay here we go here we go Here we go Oh my God what are we even doing with Our lives man

See also  This is What Happens if you Don't Remove Food from your Tarantula.

Oh my gosh okay Okay Good good no Oh my freaking Yo what the hell man this is like the Freaking best pairing ever okay [Music] Um No idea what's happening but okay Female is allowing him He is just Okay okay okay Wow oh nice all your your teeth are Doing pretty well and all the meals eat Yeah good oh man no he didn't do Anything No I didn't He didn't he didn't win insert come on Man did he I I don't know about a female Is cleaning your fangs though yeah did He I think he did I have no idea he Wouldn't run away Uh true this one is still trying to get The female out Okay so we've got one Successful pairing all right this one Yeah I don't know if it's successful yet Semi-successful and then this one is not Yet but I think it is going to be Successful but I don't know if this is This guy done do you think he's done we Can try again next day yeah yeah I think We can try this guy I I don't think he's Done though and the problem with this Video she comes out and she goes back in

Okay That just happened another time you know How to put them back in easily yes I'll teach you teaching from the MR feet And I will probably Bowl on your hand I'll teach you not Oh my God Freaking out like this guy even doing Run in your house Don't you know h-o-u-s-e mean you think That that cover is big enough yeah okay Yes Okay Three steps you can get through your Feet Wow wow I'm impressed Well these two are still so we've got One success one half success half Success one still and one that is Stop disturbing him without All right so this is the second huahini That I got she's in there there she is We're giving the male a second chance Second chance you mean second hole to Explore my guy Yeah exactly Ah good times good times what are you Doing like this oh right okay I'm the King of catching mature meals what do You mean Foreign [Music] This is now or never Take a vibrator here

See also  Uh oh.. mold at the Baby Tarantulas. 🤞🏽😟🤞🏽

[Laughter] Oh he's typing nice oh In the female Stepping Oh he's going in oh my God yo Yeah Oh my what the hell this mail See what he's doing Inserted and ran out did he yeah yeah I Don't know he hasn't he hasn't Oh he gave up No you're pairing with me oh Your response yes yesterday [Applause] We can try again in about a week no no No he will run in no no I can I can no No he will run in Put this in This and show him out Don't let him have to chance to go in Yep the female the female already went Away I think he actually succeed okay That's the thing that's why he turned Around the females who won't turn around True he up the female just walked away All right so this one is still a high Give up on this what about that which One oh he is coaxing him this one has Started to prepare to pair with the Female Yeah this one's still doing the same Thing so now I hope it's on this one Oh he's going in He's going in you got these materials

For free yeah You can hear the female need to breathe [Music] My way to read I can I can wait you can Actually see the female over here There's the female He's About means the heat is here yeah Necessarily well he's going in oh yeah I Think the Thai zebra actually there is Cleaning his fangs even the female also Cleaning his fangs yeah perfect Oh okay I moved he's in he's in sadly I Can't see what's oh my gosh look at him Oh man she's coming up It's coming up The mill is coming here oh oh he's smart You know what you do it's coming up so You can get to her at the front exactly Oh my God it's like the smartest bearing Actually Giga brain time What did I just tell you that you're Smart and you just went back in yep it's Gone all the way back in now now he's Going backwards towards the female Is that how you me yes where's my guy
