I want to put this guy in there Got it Oh my God I'm scared of [Music] So yeah we are at the St Louis reptile Expo it is my first time vending it's Going really good it it's suddenly like Got really busy and then now I finally Have like a calm to film so Um excuse me he's stealing Okay so I have been a little swarmed and I'm finally able to film my table I tried to be really legit with it you Guys oh I forgot to tell people if you Bought one of these there's a protective Cover on it so peel it off I That so cute the new Moon maple design I'm obsessed and then I have just like The little button pins as well so many I Have a Mr tarantula cat and then here's What's left of the babies oh my God Everybody came and bought some so Quickly I really didn't think that that Many people would grab some but that's Awesome I brought a couple of docs with Me just to you know show people what They look like as adults so I have two Of them with me yeah and then there's Tarantula cribs right next to me how's It going I'm gonna put fingerprints all Over every single enclosure show me your Wares what foreign [Music] I don't know how to say that at the
Gastric epigastric Pro slit sincilla yep Those are they just help you find the Middle they're up here and they are Angled in so it helps you find the Middle on a small specimen when you're Trying to focus in on that area and find It [Music] Thank you Hi hi oh my God is this my close-up it Sure is I don't know if I'm ready this Is Folia baby bunny bellies oh my God I Know I make sure to include baby bunny Bellies because it sounds cute I know This one is blue pothos yeah oh my God That's so cool How are you Foreign [Music] [Music] I actually just took it that's called Stealing do you guys remember him yes Res Moore Bro So cute these guys get really big these Are 18 inch turtles here and these are The giant Mexican musk Focus Focus Oh it got nervous That's so cute it's little eyes It doesn't sound that interesting we Were talking about praying mantises How's the day been going it's been going
How are you pretty good I love seeing All the people here a lot of familiar Faces so that's really fun wow what a Great review that's a good one Do you have any geckos not too many left We have morning geckos we have a lychee I like going to the botanical gardens Because they have those running around Oh my goodness we sold out of jumping Spider babies which is crazy thank you Everybody who stopped by to say hi today I did grab a few things but I'll show You what I picked up when we get back Home Okay we are back at home it is actually Two days later yesterday I got like Completely sucked into making this Aquarium which I will show you guys in a Minute but before I do that I want to Show you my pickups because one of them Is why I had to set up the aquarium so Yes I actually did pick up a new Tarantula I wasn't planning on it but I Did see this on spider collector's table And I never had one before so I wanted To get that first let me show you the Not alive things I got so starting off Strong with some plants from jnb Terrariums they gifted me some plants And I can use these in terrariums and Stuff it is getting warmer outside so I Have actually moved a lot of my plants Outside this is the one I'm most excited About it's a blue pothos I've actually
Never heard of that awesome so yeah I Have all these plant cuttings that I can Use in enclosures and I do actually have Some rehousings I want to do so that's Perfect they also gave me this adorable Little snail on a log sculpture it has Little mushroom rooms and leaves and It's very My Vibe so I really appreciate This it's adorable I have it on my table One other not a life thing I purchased I Don't know if you guys remember but I Did recently put this enclosure together In a video and it's like a yellow Enclosure everything's yellow and this Adorable little sculpture it's a little Clay sculpture I purchased it has moss And little crystals and stuff so yeah I Put it in there and it hasn't molded or Anything so I think it'll be good I Really like it okay now for the alive Things I said I spent all day yesterday Setting up an aquarium that is for this New occupant right down here let me uh Bring you guys in a little bit closer Don't go too hard on me it has been in This bin for like two days but that's Just because I was setting up the Aquarium and getting it to like you know Cycle a little bit putting bacteria Things in there and you'll see but okay My friends Canoa and Johnny the friends Who helped me set up Bowser's enclosure If you will remember I was really sad That the Crawfish they gave me were
Going to become dinner for Bowser which They all did I can bring you more Crawfish basically they actually brought Me my own little pet crawfish okay this Is a native species so you can't like Actually go buy one of these it's not Legal to buy one but you can keep one Especially if it's like a gift from like A private pond or private property like Them look how pretty this one is I don't Know the name yet I just actually hi Oh I don't have a name for it yet oh my Gosh it's so mad I'm not trying to make You mad oh God please don't pinch me I Just want to put you in the I want to Put you in your new your new tank Oh my God how do I do this without it Like pinching me you guys What do I do it knows what my favorite Food is I'm telling you it knows I don't Want to like squeeze it too tight either I'm actually like kind of afraid of it To be honest it's a little scary so Actually as you can see it pooped last Night I put an algae wafer in here which Kind of funked up the water but I also Put a super worm in there red that they Can eat super worms and stuff so the Super worm is gone I want to put this Guy in there Got it Oh my God I'm scared I'm scared I'm Scared I'm scared go What do you think oh my God this thing
Looks awesome in here welcome Why are there bubbles coming out of his Mouth yeah dude this is an awesome tank This looks so cool I hope that it likes It I hope that it does well what do you Think [Music] Foreign [Music] We really need to name it something it's So cute and it has this whole freaking Tank to itself hopefully it doesn't eat All the plants I've gotta say though This is way cooler than I thought it Would be I was like man I'm setting this Whole tank up for just one crawfish this Is kind of stupid no this is awesome he Has a freaking Castle oh my God I'm I am I am too distracted now let's talk about The tarantula I got so it's just a sling I picked it up from spider collector it Was actually gifted to me and it is Called a phono pelma species Encinos I've never heard of this I've never seen It I have this tiny tarantula cribs Cube And yeah of course I'm an affiliate code Cat 10 saves you 10 at Tarantulacrips.com anytime and it helps Me out but yeah so let's go ahead and Just put it in this little little cubie Give it a better Fancier home because my tarantulas are a Little bougie they all like to be in Their tarantula cribs and just scoop in
A little bit of reptic soil Of course that that did not make less of A mess at all I have some of this really Green moss and then I have a fake little Leaf I don't really do synthetic much Anymore but you know what we're gonna do It today because this is gonna be cute And then the last little touch is going To be this little green mushroom of Course I don't know I I don't know I Don't know you guys I don't know why all Right I changed my mind I'm I'm gonna do Real leaves I'm gonna do I like that better I yeah I don't know I'm I'm not to be picky or anything but Okay so let's take a look at this a Little tiny of phonapoma it is so small Are you friendly I hope so because you are walking on my My fingers imagine getting bit by a new Phone with Alma this small if anybody's Gonna do it it might be me though coax It into its new little home Perfect look at you you got a whole new Little home Very cool all right so there we have it Ah new aphonopelma so that is all I Picked up from the show thank you so Much to everybody who came and said Hello I oh my God my hair's falling down Stop that we're not done yet thank you Everybody that came by who bought merch Jumping spiders just hung out for a Little bit thank you so much I had a
Good time I hope you did too and for Those who weren't able to make it I hope You enjoyed the video like it if you did Subscribe if you're not and you want to Be don't forget it's probably too much Exactly that cat you go follow me their Ass of a patreon podcast and a teasping It's all linked down below I will see You guys soon let's get into the patreon Pet pics [Applause] [Music] Thank you [Music]