Welcome to our blog post! Today, we have an amusing tale to share with you all. Brace yourselves because we have an unexpected turn of events to reveal. In this lighthearted story, we thought she was dead! Yes, you read that right, and we couldn’t help but laugh. So, join us as we delve into the hilarious journey of our misunderstanding in this edition of #shorts. Let’s dive right in!



We haven’t seen this girl for months, but she’s still with us! The Caribena versicolor (Antilles Pink Toe Tarantula) is alive and well. We thought she was dead because she hasn’t been eating or coming out. Finally, she’s out, and we can see her beautiful colors. We are relieved and grateful that she is alive and kicking. This is truly the happiest day of our lives. Thank you, God, for keeping her alive. We are so happy right now.

The Long Wait

For months, we have been worried sick about our beloved Caribena versicolor. She seemed to have disappeared, refusing to show herself or even eat. We thought the worst, convinced that she might have passed away. It was a heartbreaking thought, as she had been a cherished member of our household.

A Spark of Hope

Just when we had lost all hope, she decided to make an appearance. Our hearts skipped a beat when we spotted her slowly emerging from her hiding spot. It was a sight we never thought we would see again. The relief that washed over us was immeasurable.

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The Vibrant Beauty

As she made her way out, we couldn’t help but marvel at her stunning colors. The Caribena versicolor is known for its vibrant hues – a mesmerizing combination of blue, green, and pink. It was as if she wanted to reassure us that she was alive and well, radiating her beauty for us to behold.

Grateful and Joyful

Words cannot express how grateful we are for this miraculous turn of events. Our worries have been replaced with overwhelming joy. We feel blessed and privileged to witness her resurrection, to have her presence in our lives once again.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. How long can a Caribena versicolor go without eating?

    • Caribena versicolors can go for extended periods without eating, especially during molting or when they enter a fasting phase. However, if an extended period of fasting occurs, it is advisable to seek advice from a professional exotic pet handler or veterinarian.
  2. Why did our Caribena versicolor stop eating?

    • There can be various reasons for a tarantula to stop eating, including stress, illness, environmental changes, or preparation for a molt. It is essential to monitor their behavior and consult an expert if necessary.
  3. Can the colors of Caribena versicolor change?

    • Yes, the colors of Caribena versicolor can change based on factors like lighting, humidity, and mood. Their vibrant hues can intensify or fade, adding to their allure.
  4. How do I create a suitable habitat for a Caribena versicolor?

    • Caribena versicolors require a warm and humid environment with adequate ventilation. An enclosure with vertical space and hiding spots, along with proper substrate, temperature, and humidity levels, will help create a suitable habitat.
  5. Are Caribena versicolors venomous?

    • Yes, like many tarantulas, Caribena versicolors possess venom. However, their venom is mild and not considered dangerous to humans. It is essential to handle them with care and seek medical attention in case of allergic reactions.
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Witnessing the unexpected return of our Caribena versicolor has been a rollercoaster of emotions. The worry, fear, and anticipation all made the moment of her reappearance even more magical. We are grateful for her resilience and the opportunity to continue cherishing her presence. Life can surprise us in the most unexpected ways, reminding us to appreciate the small miracles that come our way.
