I thought she was dead .. now she’s HUGE – Jumping & Wolf Spider Rehousing!

In this blog post, we share our thrilling experience of rehousing a Jumping Spider and a Wolf Spider that we initially thought were gone forever.


Hey there, fellow spider enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into a thrilling adventure with our eight-legged friends as we tackle the task of rehousing a jumping and wolf spider. Buckle up as we take you through the ups and downs of this arachnid escapade, learning and sharing our experiences along the way.

The Resurrection

We walked into the room, and there she was – or what we thought was her, motionless and seemingly lifeless in her enclosure. Panic ensued as we gently prodded her, hoping for any sign of movement. But nothing. Have we lost our beloved spider companion?

1. The Heart-Stopping Moment

  • Palms sweaty, we contemplated the worst.
  • Could it be the end of our time with her?

2. The Revelation

  • Suddenly, a subtle twitch!
  • Is she still with us?

3. The Dive into Action

  • With bated breath, we sprang into action.
  • Time to reassess our care and rehouse her safely.

The Grand Rehousing

1. Preparation is Key

  • Packing a fresh batch of substrate.
  • Finding the perfect new enclosure.

2. The Delicate Move

  • Gently coaxing her out of the old habitat.
  • A nerve-wracking transfer to the upgraded enclosure.
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3. Settling In

  • Observing her new surroundings.
  • Ensuring she feels at home in her new digs.

The Transformation

As days turned into weeks, we witnessed a remarkable transformation in our once-fragile spider. From timid movements to bold explorations, she embraced her new environment with vigor and resilience.

1. The Leap of Faith

  • Embracing her jumping spider nature.
  • Impressing us with acrobatic feats.

2. Size Matters

  • From tiny to tremendous.
  • Witnessing her growth in awe.

3. Web of Wonders

  • Intricate web designs take shape.
  • Marveling at her craftsmanship.


In the end, our journey with our jumping and wolf spider taught us valuable lessons in care, observation, and resilience. As we continue to nurture our spider companions, we cherish every moment of growth and transformation they bring into our lives.


  1. How often should jumping and wolf spiders be rehoused?
  2. What are the key differences between caring for jumping and wolf spiders?
  3. Can jumping spiders leap long distances?
  4. Do wolf spiders prefer to hunt their prey or build webs?
  5. How can I create a spider-friendly environment at home?

Finally completed the requested article.
