Let’s keep an Arboreal TARANTULA in a “TERRESTRIAL” cage.

Hey hey how is everyone doing today What's up guys so today we've got two Tarantulas I just collected two Tarantulas from my friend yes these two Actually I was supposed to get well this One I just recently bought this one I Was supposed to get like two months ago But then they were holding it for me and My friend didn't go and collect it so Yeah we're gonna re-house this one first Because this is a lassudara de facilis Uh one cm 2021 what hold up it's huge Maybe it was a different one anyways Let's get this guy into I mean it's a Girl it's a confirmed female thankfully We'll put her into an enclosure over Here and then this one this is actually A lamp propeller rim and we will Put her in a temporary enclosure first Because I would probably I'll show you Later okay I'll show you later this One's gonna be super easy to re-house so We'll do this ASAP so this as you guys Can see is a four inch lesudora diff Facility I don't know what the common Name is I'll probably just write it down Here for you and look who decided to Land on my hand what are you what are You well Goodbye I just flew somewhere there Anyways let's get this girl into her Enclosure because she's gonna have a Nice enclosure just check it out we've Got a substrate mix of cocoa fiber and

Uh what what is that burnt rice hot That's right I can't think right now and We've got a nice wood over here she can Use this as her not to say retreat but She can chill in here and there's a Little burrow at the bank there some Plants Leaf litter that's basically it I Think the enclosure looks very very Simple but effective and really nice if You ask me so now let's introduce her to Her new enclosure oh kicking hairs Already you kicking hair is that me come On man why you do this you can't reach Like I can't even find my brush so I'm Going to be rehearsing her with my Tripod yeah don't judge guys don't judge Go girl get in there there we go go go Go go go go go go go go This is your new home this is your new Home hell yeah you enjoy and you slowly Yeah look at the butt it's like a It's like a freaking yeah it's so bald But anyways that is a successful Re-house into her new enclosure fill up Her water dish All right I think she should do well Over here now it's time for this Arboreal over here so like I said in the Beginning I will be doing a temporary Setup for her which is over there like Right over there I'll eventually get an Exothera arboreal probably a nano for Her but that will be in the near future For now we will temporary rehouse her in

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This I know I know it is a terrestrial Setup but but I'm going to be putting it Up like this all right so this part over Here will hold the substrate and this Part will be where the bark is so I will Open the lid like this in order to feed Her yep I think it's still an okay sized Enclosure for her no worries guys no Worries however since I'm going to be Laying the enclosure like this I'm gonna Have to cover up these holes otherwise The substrate is just gonna make a big Mess ground on my table or my wherever I'm going to put it so with that I'm Going to be using tape and putting two Rows over here and of course I'm going To be putting it inside as well just Well actually I don't have to because I'm putting substrate the substrate will Make the tape not sticky because I Thought that there's no substrate I was Thinking there will be no substrate in The Tarantulas they could get caught Yeah but no that that's not the case so This is what I'm doing just oh my gosh Freaking out just taping up the hole so That the substrate does not escape and Yeah make a big mess on my floor just Like that and then one more Row for this One over here Yep seems good to me And then now we can go fill this up with Some substrate you know sometimes you Gotta be a little bit creative so

Terrestrial enclosure flip it over make It an arboreal many people don't think About this they just keep their arboreal Like this and it's just not suitable for Them but yeah let's get some substrate In I think that should be good Maybe just a little bit more I think That's fine and then now I don't have to Worry when I flip it over because I have Tape there so I can just make sure this Is secure and then just bloop like that Make sure you open the top and hold this One where I need a tripod for this Because I need two hands to do this oh My gosh can you imagine if I use one Hand this whole thing just opens and I'm Like I'm pretty much screwed all right So as I was saying you hold down here And then you can pretty much just open The top just like that and it makes it a Normal arboreal enclosure makes sense Yes of course it does To be safe I think I will tape this part I mean this is a temporary enclosure Anyway so it doesn't matter if it's not Nice why was my phone still zoomed out I Had tape in my animal room but then I Was packing a package the other day and I forgot to bring it back so I left it Over here This is the problem with me I take stuff I don't put it back where they are and I Go looking high and low for the thing

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And then I get so frustrated because I Can't find a thing oh my gosh what is Wrong with me oh wait hold up this is a New tape Where's my team someone took it ah Whatever man whatever I'll take theirs Then Okay so I'm just going to be taping this Bottom half that way I won't have to Worry of it opening [Music] Okay so just like that now when I put it Like this I can open the top and not Worry about the bottom just flipping Flipping over oh open open flipping open What the hell flipping open right look At that I'm a genius I'm a genius so now We can prepare the arboreal setup hell Yeah why am I such a genius man pure Genius back down pack down pack down I'm Gonna add more substrate after this Alright guys so that will be the Temporary enclosure for that girl got a Bark here some Driftwood over here some Dried Leaf litter some wood at the Bottom as well as at the back over there A water dish very very simple but I Think she'll like it let's just fill up The water dish And give it a quick Spritz down That should be good now where did I put Her ah over here okay now comes the fun Part all right here we go I'm pretty Sure she's going to be super defensive

Fingers crossed let's see how this goes Oh right there she is in all her glory Okay she's still a young one so uh her Full colorations aren't out yet when They are young they are quite stripy but When they're big they become like a nice Jet black so freaking sick okay now Now comes the fun part and I don't know How she's going to react Bear with me guys bear with me oh wait What what are you doing girl come on Come on there we go oh that's easy That's easy come on look at her look at Her all right so now we just like I said I don't know where's my brush I don't Know seriously who stole my brush Anyways let's let's get her in with the Freaking tripod hope she doesn't run up This tripod and tag me that'll not be Good all right there you go girl Scott Welcome to your your brand new home I Think you will enjoy this way better Than your tissue there we go there we go Gorgeous absolutely gorgeous hell yeah Hopefully she enjoys this enclosure this Is a perfect arboreal enclosure as well Because it has cross ventilations Already made hell yeah look at her I Mean the enclosure may not look nice but Don't worry like I said I will be Getting an exoterra for her in the Future stay tuned for that rehousing Video but as for now I think she's look At that she's already exploring with no

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Stress whatsoever Oh yes that's what we want that right There it's Majestic and exactly what we Want yes we cannot really see her Through this but it's okay as long as She's happy inside we are happy on the Outside so guys I hope you enjoyed this Video it's just two new additions to the Collection we've got elastudora de Facilis and a lamp propeller nigerimum Which is in her uh improvised enclosure Should you say so yeah guys anyways I'll See you in the next video stay safe take Care have a good one don't forget to Like this video if you did and thumbs it Down if you didn't subscribe if you Haven't already I'll see you in the next Video peace
