Let’s try to reach 400 LIKES as a targeted goal and I will upload the next episode as soon as possible and you’ll also be entered in the GIVEAWAY! So I’ve decided to do a let’s play/ playthrough on Ultimate Spider-Man for the PC. this is one of my favorite games by Activision and Treyarch and the anniversary for it is right around the corner. Ultimate Spider-Man is part of a newly introduced comic book line-up and is actually a reboot to get fans new and old into the Spider-Man franchise. Peter Parker is no longer a young adult, he’s a teenager attending high school, balancing the hectic life of a hero and life of a 15 year old. Brian Michael Bendis is the man at the helm of Ultimate Spider-Man and he’s also responsible for most of the other Ultimate Marvel Super Heroes, he actually helped Treyarch develop this game and gave input on how he wanted Spider-Man’s likenesses should be used in the game. One thing that I enjoyed doing this playthrough was how good they designed the stages and characters, like it literally feels like they’ve taken pages right out of the comic book.
Ultimate Spider-Man looks so awesome on the PC, and the gameplay really has aged well. If there are true Spider-Man fans out there, they must own this game. This would have to be my favorite Spidey game second to Spider-Man 2 The Movie video game. Going into this game I thought that Treyarch would at least consider putting some of the gameplay mechanics from Spider-Man 2 and sort of transfer some of them over into Ultimate Spider-Man. But it seems like they wanted this game to have an entirely different feel. I can tell you no, when I first got my hands on this game and experienced the web swinging I was very disappointed. If you’re somewhat like I was going in don’t expect an in depth level up system for the fighting moves and swinging speed. But once you get into Ultimate Spider-Man’s gameplay especially in HD 1080P for the PC you’ll come around to enjoying it.
Ultimate Spider-Man and all it’s gameplay and visuals are soul properties of Activision and Treyarc, I did this video to inspire people to go out and buy the gamefor themselves.
Ultimate Spider-Man PC gameplay
“Ultimate Spider-Man PC gameplay”
let’s play Ultimate Spider Man PC gameplay
“let’s play Ultimate Spider Man PC gameplay”
Ultimate Spiderman Playthrough PC
“Ultimate Spiderman Playthrough PC”
Ultimate Spider man PCSX2
“Ultimate Spider man PCSX2”
Ultimate Spider man PC gameplay today
“Ultimate Spider man PC gameplay today”