Marvel Legends What If? Uatu Wave Captain Carter Spider-Man Dr. Strange Sylvie Nebula Hasbro Review

Puffy Lux

Get your Marvel Legends at Dorkside Toys!

I had a few mishaps while recording this review over several days, from not hitting record to the microphone coming unplugged for the last half of the wave. But the Hasbro Marvel Legends What If…? Watcher wave is a fun set of action figures so I didn’t mind going back and reshooting some of them. Well, okay, there was some initial cursing, but you know me. Any excuse to play some more.

00:00 Intro
00:54 Packages
01:52 Zombie Hunter Spider-Man
04:10 Zombie Hunter Spidey Articulation
04:53 Zombie Hunter Peter Parker Accessories
06:08 T’Challa Star-Lord
07:31 T’Challa Articulation
08:20 Outer Space T’Challa Accessories
08:58 Loki Series Sylvie
10:24 Sylvie Articulation
10:56 Sylvie Accessories
11:49 Doctor Strange Supreme
13:31 Dark Dr. Strange Articulation
14:19 Dr. Stephen Strange Accessories
15:23 Heist Nebula
17:00 Nebula Articulation
17:49 Hero…Kinda Nebula Accessories
18:28 Zombie Captain America
21:19 Undead Steve Rogers Articulation
22:03 Past the End of the Line Cap
22:23 Captain Carter
25:22 Super Soldier Peggy Carter Articulation
26:10 Peggy Carter Accessories
26:50 Build-A-Figure Watcher
29:18 Uatu Articulation
30:02 Size and Comparisons
31:25 Thoughts
32:00 Outro

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#SpiderMan #WhatIf #MarvelLegends