Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Reaction!! || PlayStation Showcase 2021 Trailer PS5

Puffy Lux

marvel’s spider-man 2 reaction. What’s going on guys? RBG here bringing you another Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 update video. This was originally gonna be a video where I pitched ideas on what features Insomniac should implement from previous Spider-Man games. But near the completion of the upload Sony dropped a cryptic bombshell on us that alludes to us getting a glimpse at those features in a potential Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 reveal this week. So I’m gonna briefly go over that before I segue into my discussion on what features I wanna see. Firstly I just gotta say that it seems like Sony is prepping for a massive Spidey rollout. Because we already have the No Way Home movie that’s finally been officially revealed. If you guys remember a couple months ago I mentioned that they’d most likely reveal Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 shortly afterwards. The first game came out at the perfect time since Spidey was featured in Avengers Infinity War that same year. And it allowed them to add the Iron Spider suit as 1 of the DLC costumes. Its also worth noting that although the game had been out for the better half of 2018 they were able to utilize some suits from Spidey films that came out afterwards such as Into The Spiderverse and Far From Home. Its like everything works hand in hand when it comes to Insomniac’s Spider-Man and the movie side of things. I’m pretty sure there’s gonna be a plethora of new suits and cross promotions for Spider-Man No Way Home. Like I don’t think they showed off the Playstation 5 at the end of the trailer for nothing. So Sony definitely has a lot in store for Spider-Man fans. I also want to briefly mention that its been rumored that Crystal Dynamics will be revealing their iteration of Spider-Man for Marvel’s Avengers.

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