Most NEGLECTED PET .. STOP IMPULSE BUYING THESE! Everything you know about hermit crabs is WRONG!!

Are you considering getting a new pet? Before you make an impulse decision, let’s talk about hermit crabs. Contrary to what you might think, everything you know about these unique creatures is probably wrong.

Most Neglected Pet: Stop Impulse Buying Hermit Crabs!


So, you’re thinking about adding a new member to your pet family? Hermit crabs may seem like a charming and low-maintenance option at first glance, but hold your horses! Before making a decision, let’s dive into the real deal about these tiny creatures and why they are some of the most neglected pets out there.

The Misunderstood Hermit Crab

These quirky little creatures often find themselves at the bottom of the list when it comes to pet preferences. From their shell-swapping antics to their hidden complex needs, hermit crabs are far from the simple pet many believe them to be.

What’s Wrong with Impulse Buying?

Before rushing to the nearest pet store to get yourself a hermit crab companion, it’s essential to understand the implications of impulse buying. These creatures have specific requirements and care needs that many owners overlook, leading to neglect and often, unfortunate outcomes.

Hermit Crab Care: The Real Deal

When it comes to hermit crab care, there’s more than meets the eye. Here are the essential aspects you should consider before bringing one home:

  • Proper Enclosure Setup: Hermit crabs need a humid and warm environment to thrive.
  • Nutritious Diet: These critters need a varied diet, including fresh fruits, vegetables, and protein sources.
  • Shell Selection: Providing a variety of shells for your hermit crab to choose from is crucial for their well-being.
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The Ugly Truth

Many hermit crabs fall victim to human ignorance and neglect. From improper housing conditions to lack of proper nutrition, these issues lead to a shorter lifespan and a diminished quality of life for these fascinating creatures.

Are Hermit Crabs the Right Pet for You?

Before deciding to bring a hermit crab home, ask yourself these essential questions:

  1. Do you have the time and resources to provide proper care for a hermit crab?
  2. Are you willing to research and learn about the specific needs of these pets?
  3. Can you commit to creating a suitable environment for your hermit crab to thrive?
  4. Are you prepared for the long-term responsibility of caring for a hermit crab?
  5. Have you considered alternative pets that may better suit your lifestyle and capabilities?


In conclusion, hermit crabs are often overlooked and neglected pets due to misinformation and impulse buying. Before making a decision, take the time to educate yourself on the proper care requirements and responsibilities that come with owning one of these unique creatures. Remember, pets are companions that deserve our utmost care and attention.


  1. How long do hermit crabs live?

    Hermit crabs can live up to 10 years or more with proper care and a suitable environment.

  2. Can hermit crabs be social animals?

    While hermit crabs are not social in the same way as other pets, they do appreciate having companions of their kind.

  3. Do hermit crabs require veterinary care?

    Yes, hermit crabs may require veterinary care, especially if they show signs of illness or distress.

  4. Are hermit crabs good pets for children?

    Hermit crabs can be suitable pets for children with adult supervision and guidance on their care needs.

  5. Do hermit crabs need a specific type of water for bathing?

    Hermit crabs need access to both freshwater and saltwater for bathing and rehydrating their bodies.

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