My TOAD’s leg fell off ..

Oh my god Yeah I'm really bad at acting but Anyways you guys this is a came to know It is not a lie no this is not a new pet I actually got this cane toad when I Visit Melbourne I think it was in 2014 Yeah somewhere oh my goodness oh the Lake just fell off like just what but Anyways if you guys are from Australia You will know that these frogs I mean toads there's a difference okay Toads are very like warty we have lots Of warts in there just yeah if you guys Are from Australia you will know that These are very very common in the Souvenir stores or at least if you are In Melbourne coz that's where I got this It's like literally every souvenir store I go to there was a Kade toad yeah this Is a cane toad this is not something bad It has nothing to do with poaching Because cane toads If I remember right they were introduced Into Australia to eat whatever bugs or Something that was disturbing the Farmers but then they got out of hand And they became invasive so hunting them I guess it's a good thing I don't really Know the whole story of it all I know That it is an invasive species that is In Australia I'm not quite sure if they Introduced it to Australia or were these From Australia and introduced to another Country and was invasive over there but

Whatever it is all I know that these Guys are invasive somewhere and I'm Pretty sure Australia is one of the Places but yeah as you can see from the Lake just randomly fell off like what Earth because this cane toad is really All like I mentioned 2014 possibly even 2013 or 12 maybe not too old but yeah Old enough for the leg to fall off but This came – I'm not quite sure like what Do they stuff it with what is this thing Is it me wait wait wait they stuffed it With vermiculite yo okay this is the First time I've oh it's oh my goodness It it's definitely vermiculite that's For sure oh my gosh what a mess This is not good I never knew that they Stuffed it with vermiculite what if You're wondering how or why this lake Fell off it's because I kept this quite A long time in my closet and randomly Dermestid beetles if you don't know what Those are domestic beetles are carrion Beetles which pretty much means they Will find some dried up dead flesh meat Thing and start decomposing it so that Is what happened they decided to attack The legs first I'm probably gonna have To throw this into the freezer to kill Any eggs but that that's pretty much What happened but seriously I did not Know that they stuff this stuff stuff Stuff stuff this stuff stuff like this With vermiculite always thought it was

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Like cotton or I have no idea but Vermiculite that is something new to me Something very very new to me so yeah Like I mentioned you guys this hasn't I Mean it's not wrong because it's Considered saving the population I mean Not the population I mean saving the Environment because these guys have been Eating every other animal that is Smaller than them so all the native Species are being eaten by these guys I Think this is pretty unique maybe not in Australia but over here it's pretty Unique and I just wanted to show you Guys what I got when I visited Melbourne Probably not the most suitable thing to Bring back from Melbourne I could have Brought back like Australian keychains Or Australian I don't know koala bear Toys but I'm just a weird guy so I got a Stuff invasive Kade Toad species yeah Whatever you want to call it and oh my Goodness oh it's all yeah what a mass oh My better clean this up before my mom Comes back she's just gonna kill me if She sees this but oh my oh why is this Thing falling apart everything's falling Apart like I'm pretty sure if I crush This want to see let me try yeah Bad idea so I don't think I will be I Think I'll just throw this feed of it You guys want this feed probably not so Yeah in the trash it goes but mmm yeah So just want to show you guys this thing

Like it or not that's what it is if you Guys want this go to Australia Specifically Melbourne because I love That's where I got this it's like Literally every souvenir shop I went There was this guy and there are Actually other poses as well this pose Like they are leaping or they are lying Flat but I just thought this was the Most realistic one because look at that It's very realistic right but now it's Pretty much destroyed because of their Mustard beetles and myself so sorry dude Your link just came off it's just the Way it is okay so I hope you guys Enjoyed this video I mean this this Channel is about my hobbies right and I Don't know I consider this as a hobby It's I don't know I just got it as a Souvenir so yeah hope you guys enjoyed This video if you liked it thumbs it up If you did it thumbs they don't and I'll See you guys in the next video goodbye All right little dude I need you to move Out of the way because I'm gonna have to Be sweeping all of your guts out before Oh my gosh Guts before my mom comes back because She will not be happy to see this [Music]

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