Omegle Halloween Special 2020! – The Spider and the Fly – Read-Along 3!

Puffy Lux

Happy Halloween my spoopy Fluffies!

This years Halloween Read-Along poem is The Spider and the Fly by Mary Howitt!

As always I announced on my social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), that I was going on Omegle and to use the Interest: SpidersAndFluff to find me for this years Halloween Read-Along! The following video is the end result! I cannot express how lovely this was, and always is. I look forward to these videos every year. My read and singalong videos always make me so super happy and it’s so wonderful to see everyones smiling faces, particularly at a time like this. So again, thank you everyone so much for taking part again, you are all wonderful!

The beautiful face “stickers” are from:
I got my FABULOUS spooky suits from:
▼The Omegle Prank video Playlist! ▼

• My PO Box address 😀 Send me love ^_^

Pink Stylist
PO Box 158
PE10 1EL
•SUBSCRIBE to my channel: for new videos every week!
•Official PinkStylist Merchandise!
•Maybe check out my websites? 😀

• Music by Kevin MacLeod (

See also  Lagarto y cosas que no viste en No Way Home Trailer, Spider Verse, traje negro, Sandman