Pissy passed away. πŸ˜” No signs, No symptoms.. JUST HAPPENED.

Foreign Think it's time I think it's time to Announce the bad news Good morning guys how's everyone doing Today Not looking forward to today's video I don't even know how I'm gonna make This video I I just don't have the mood Foreign This was so sudden Like I don't even know what the cause of it Was Okay This is This is something really really sad and Uncalled for No idea what happened but Let's just Carry on with this video So this happened Somewhere in the middle of last month I just never had the The what do you call that never had the The will can I say that the will to do This video Yeah I was just too down and upset And I just I don't know guys how I'm going To put this okay so Sorry about the motorbike yeah So you guys know PC all right

Yeah she Mysteriously Randomly Passed away She's about she's only about eight years Old Yeah it's only about eight years old And It's really uncalled for so the thing is I fed all of my snakes On Hmm when was it yeah in the middle of Last month I fed all of them like two Days before I flew over to Indonesia to Meet my my girlfriend And everyone ate no issues But when I came back right I only went There for about five days so usually Before I go I will film everyone's water Dish clean out the substrate and just Feed everyone one meal So it's just the usual meal that I feed PC as well just a small little mouse or Rat And I went for about five days right I Went for about five days And then I came back to a really stinky Smelly room So I was like okay maybe one of the Snakes regurgitated regurgitated as in Vomited out the food So I looked around and no one Regurgitated then I went to Pisces and Closure right I went to an enclosure and

I saw gnats now over here usually when My tarantulas die I I never really ever Have snake deaths but yeah when my Animal tarantula mainly dies usually It's those small Nets that overpower and Just take over the enclosure to Devour The dead animal And it's the same it was the same with PC I saw a lot of Nets in her enclosure And I was like this cannot be good So I opened the the enclosure and Yeah I I saw her over there did and it Was really smelling really bad so since I only went for Oh my gosh this is this actually smells Really bad right now despite me putting It in the freezer I just put it in the Freezer because Yeah I just like I said I did not have The mood to do the video I just saw it And I was like Seriously and then I just took her put Her in the freezer and just left her There until today So Yeah when when I saw her in her Enclosure that there were already Maggots around so I'm assuming since I Went to Indonesia for about five days Right So I would assume that maybe it had Something to do with the rat I don't know it was it was a pre-kill African software rat a small one all

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Right a pre-killed African Salford rat So Yeah it it was not it was not to say a Rat that was in the freezer for months Upon months upon months where it decided To spoil no it was a fresh rat So I don't know the red did not throw Any signs of sickness whatsoever it just Just this is the first time something Like this has ever happened to me all Right And Yeah It's so I don't I don't even know how to put This video you guys I'm so even I I was Thinking like How am I going to film this video Because I don't even have the moon to do it all Right And then I was like I'm still going to Have to announce because this this Channel is Is very transparent okay everything that Happens I will film it I will let you guys know What's happening and it's also for my Own documentation that way like in the Future when I want to look back at when I was in this hobby I can see what Happened and It's just you know I sometimes I just Don't want to do these kind of videos

But Inside of me I was like I'll be like I Have to it is it's only fair to you guys And it's also only fair to me that I'd Be transparent and just Show you what happens day in day out With this Like I said I I don't know what's the The cause and I don't know if it's the Aspen right the Aspen because before This I've kept PC solely on newspaper But I get a lot of like hate comments Saying that hotness snakes should be put On Aspen so they can burrow I did not Want to do that at first because I I thought that they would probably kill The snake because if it ingested or Anything so I put it on Cocoa fiber Right that way she can still burrow but There were still people saying that Cocoa fiber is for tropical tropical Animals and these are from North America So they should be on Aspen so I put it on Aspen for a couple months She was doing fine But then the day that she died I was Like What caused this I I don't know if it's The Aspen All right do you think it's the I don't Even know it there's so many Possibilities there could be my hand is So smelly now I shouldn't even have Picked her up

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It could be the Aspen I don't know it Could be the rat It could be that she was sick before but Just never shown any symptoms Or I don't even know because It just happened all of a sudden and I was actually we were actually planning On breeding her you know because she is Already like what eight years old but The thing is these guys can get like 15 16 so she was only halfway through her Life which makes me even more Uneasy because I mean yeah you keep animals they do die Even humans they don't reach their Maximum lifespan but she was healthy at Least from what we see from the outside She was always been the same all pissy But maybe she had a sickness that she Never showed symptoms I I don't know but It is what it is guys I'm just I'm just sharing with you I mean Yeah Yeah our Beloved Chrissy we were actually looking Around for males So that we can bring her have some cute Little baby but I guess the table has turned and that's Not the case so Foreign Do this video anymore I'm You see these um Aspen is stuck to her It's because she pretty much started to

Decompose already So I guess when they decompose right it Becomes damp around the area as well as You know maggots they dampen up the the Creature and then they devour it so I Guess that's why the Aspen is stuck to Her but yeah since they were doing fine Before I flew over and I only went for Five days I would think that Um maybe she she died two days after Because once they die two days off Cannot be maybe she died the day after I Left right after I left she died and Then after two days all right the day After I left after two days she started To smell then the flies came on the Third day And then usually Mega stick about one Day to hatch so Yeah give a grace period of one day and Then the fifth day the maggots hatched Out and that was the day I came back and That's what I saw so Yeah So the plan is despite her being half Decomposed and really stinky I'm still Going to be putting her in the freezer Because Because I am going to preserve her I don't I don't even care if she's she's Smelly now I'm going to preserve her Because She's been our beloved PC for so long And

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I think She deserves to be remembered for years And years and years to come Hopefully The decomposing part of her does not Change the preservation factors or Whatever will happen if we preserve her So yeah stay tuned for the preserving Video I'm just gonna leave her in the Freezer now probably for I don't know until I I'm back to normal and feel that We can do the video because Before this I didn't have the moon and Now after doing this video I still I Just that mood of not having a moon came Back and I just don't have to mood Anymore so I'll see you guys in the next video take Care
