Poor squirrel ELECTROCUTED itself :( RIP πŸ™πŸ½

Working the Bees

‘Working the bees’ is terminology for attending to your beehive. What follows in this article are details of just one example of “working the bees.” After being suited up for an hour in beekeeping gear, I feel like the one who is being “worked”!

What Are Honey Bees?

Honey bees are a fascinating insect that have been cultivated and used by humans for centuries. There are many passages in the bible that talk about honey.Β Even before the bible, Egyptian tombs and pyramids would have traces of honey, propoplis, and bee pollen.

Preparing a Top Bar Bee Hive for Winter

Tips for preparing a top bar bee hive for overwintering. If you are a beginning beekeeper you and have a top bar have you’ll find this article helpful.

Bed Bugs and Traveling – How to Protect Your Home

One of the possible problems you can bring home after a travel is bugs. Many people will ask how is that possible. Well generally you can’t get them while travelling, but when you are sleeping at a hotel, it is possible for them to get in to your luggage.

Building Your Own Or Buying A Bee Hive, Just Make Sure These Are Strong

Many who want to go into beekeeping wonder where they can get their bee hive. Some would recommend buying these from companies that focus on beekeeping hobbyists. Usually a package can include one or two hives with or without their bee residents.

Steps to Combat Holes in Clothes From Moth Larvae

Its probably happened to you. A favorite garment that may have been quite expensive suddenly breaks up into a series of small holes. One minute your clothes are fine, the next they are riddled with small pin holes.

Flea Extermination

Flea extermination has become big business in recent times as many people now have pets in their homes and fleas usually live and grow within the warm and moist animal hairs on the body of a dog or cat for example. When you let your pet run around outside you can be quite sure that your home will be infested with fleas and it’s not that easy to get rid of them.

Bee Hives – What Are the Main Parts of a Bee Hive?

If you’re interested in getting into beekeeping, one of the things you’ll definitely want to learn are the main parts of bee hives. Not everything that you see out there on the Internet is really required, and there are certainly lots of options. This article gives you a quick background on the parts you’ll need to get started and what you can wait on.

Important Tips On Bee Hive Sizes

A bee hive is the habitat for bees. It is where bees build their colonies, produce their young, and make honey and beeswax. It serves as their shelter for security and protection.

Important Facts Regarding Threats to Bees

Protect and know more about what threatens the Beehive. This Article will give you more idea on well known diseases that a new bee keeper needs to be aware of.

Guidelines For Extracting Honey

Do you ever wonder how the honey from the beehives came to be sealed in containers in supermarkets? Honey is a viscous sticky liquid produced by bees.

Guidelines on Setting Up a Beehive
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A beehive is the bees’ sanctuary. This is where they keep their larvae and process and store their food. Colonies of bees produce and store honey here. An apiary is a collection of beehives cared for by apiarists.