Protective Monkey Mom refuses to leave her D3ad Baby :(

You guys see this monkey over here yeah She is carrying her baby but Unfortunately for some reason the baby Is dead today's video is going to be a Rather sad one as you can see the mother She still thinks her baby's alive and She is very very protective over it like They were there were quite a few of us Tourists around and she carried the baby Away just away from us because she Probably thinks that we want to steal Her baby as you can see she is chasing The flies away from her baby and I'm Pretty sure she does not know that the Baby is dead yeah So sad she's so protective you you get Humans throwing away their babies and Just look at the monkey over here she is So protective even for a dead baby I Don't even know what's going through her Mind right now just look at her I think She is contemplating whether she should Abandon the baby or just continue taking Care of it she keeps going back and Forth looking at the baby oh yes really Sorry about the quality of this video Because it's it's really far okay my Phone was pretty much fully zoomed in And that is why it is not that clear but Yeah as you can see she keeps looking at The baby she I'm pretty sure she's so Confused like doesn't know what is going On doesn't know if her baby is alive or Not she keeps looking at it in hopes

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That maybe it's going to like wake up or Something I have no idea but I can only Imagine what's going through her mind Very very sad I We were all looking at this and we were Like that is that that's crazy just wow Look at how how much an animal even Loves its child and it's crazy to see That they're more compassionate than so Many humans it's crazy the baby actually Is really really stinky I think it died Like maybe two days and she has been Taking care of it for that long the baby Is pretty much bloated it stinks covered In flies I'm not even surprised if Inside is full of maggots but that's not Going to stop the mom from taking care Of the baby she still thinks that maybe It's sleeping so she's trying her best Too Like revive the baby so yeah it's quite Sad if you look at this she keeps Looking at the baby maybe trying to call It or something to wake up I have no Idea what is going through my as you can See around the baby's head just full of Flies and you can tell how bad the smell Is and then now we have another friend That came to see what's going on It's like such human behavior the way They react to things look at how this Other one will will go to the baby and Is he she she's going to I don't know Who this one is maybe it's her older son

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Or something I don't know but both of Them are just see she calls him and he Goes ahead and looks at the baby as well To see what is happening it's it's so Human-like that it's it's crazy it's Scary but it's so amazing to see how These animals they they care so much for Their babies and yeah I mean like I said We don't know how the baby died maybe it Fell from it really tree or maybe they They fought or something I don't know as You can see she she still wants to take Care of the baby bring it up the the the The tree and yeah it's just that the Baby can't cling on to her And I don't know this so yeah that That's pretty much the end of this video I she went up to the tree and I couldn't Really see her anymore so yeah
