PS5 Showcase 2021 Reaction & Impressions: God of War: Ragnarok, Wolverine, Spider-Man 2, Etc.

Puffy Lux

The 2021 PlayStation Showcase we’ve all been waiting for has finally come! Over 40 minutes of updates from third party developers and PlayStation Studios. Here are my reactions to basically every announcement at the event, alongside initial gut impressions. We’ve got a lot to go over; God of War Ragnarok, Spider-Man 2, Forspoken, Uncharted 4 & Lost Legacy for PS5/PC, Marvel’s Wolverine! (What??) Ghostwire Tokyo! There’s even some Melissa thrown into the mix. Which is basically the icing on top, right? Or maybe it was the crab petting. Yeah, this description is weird if you don’t catch it in the showcase.

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0:00 – Intro & Reactions
20:59 – Impressions Of Event

#PS5 #PlayStationShowcase #Sony