RIP, big guy – You did well (Hopefully)

What's up guys so today is the day that This matured male rosea passes away Now again i always always repeat in Mature male death videos for those who Don't know Mature male tarantulas did not live very Long Now this one i'm not exactly sure how Old it actually is because My friend got it from another guy so We aren't exactly sure when this guy Matured out But he has come to an end today He's he's been like this in his Enclosure and i was like What why isn't he moving and then i went To Move the enclosure a little bit and he's Dead and the weird thing is This guy did not even die in a death Curl tarantulas Spiders when they die usually right Usually Their their legs will like curl inwards Like that and they'll die Pretty much like that but this guy No that that wasn't the case he just Decided to die Like normally like that which is not too Common But it happened as well now this like i Mentioned Is a matured male gramostola rosia also Known as the

Chilean rose hair we did pair him with Both of my females so As you can see what the heck was that Yeah i don't know if my my phone just Canceled because something Came up on my screen but yeah as you can See This is how you can tell if your Tarantulas have pretty much matured out You see these two paddy pumps which are Pretty much the The front legs there will be kind of Like a Hook and these two things These are what i call punching gloves You see They kind of look like punching gloves Right the the tip of it So yeah that is pretty much what a Mature male looks like Some mature males will have hooks which Yeah this one does let me show you So you see the the front legs you see This little hook over here Yeah over here that is called the tibial Hooks And that is to pretty much hold up the Female During meeting so it'll be less likely Of her like Chomping down on him so yeah just wanted To let you guys know that This matured male is Dead and it's pretty nice i shouldn't

See also  This TARANTULA made me itch so bad !!!

Have touched it now my hands are Starting to get itchy because this is a New world It does possess arcticating hairs and it Is now on my fingers And it's not that bad compared to like None dudes and a candy scurry and Therefore some species But it's still a little bit itchy but It's fine it's fine Let me measure this i'm actually curious As to how What the length of it is let me get some Ruler over here So if you guys are wondering how long a Mature Male rosia is or rosie has in general The females i think if i'm not mistaken I mean my females They're not as big as the male so this One In inches it is about five inches as you Can see this was a very Very healthy meal a lot of meals the Abdomens are like very very skinny But this one is a very very healthy meal So that is a good thing all i can say is This guy definitely he has lived a Very very long time and I think if i'm not mistaken he matured Out quite a while With the original owner and then passed Over to my friend And then he brought him over to a pair

Of my females And after the first time pairing he he Even Lived like like a very very long time After the first time apparently we tried Pairing him a second time Yeah this guy he lived very very long And unfortunately he is gone now and i'm Going to be passing this over to my Friend because he wants to ship it over Back to the original owner because the Original owner wants to preserve him So yeah i'm gonna send him back to my Friend right now If you look at like this it looks like a Live tarantula can you imagine if i Touch it and it starts running around Oh my gosh but yeah that's the Nope that is not him being alive okay That's just the legs like moving with Gravity i thought it was alive there But yeah anyways this one i'll be Sending him back To my friend which only lives about two Minutes from my house so i'm just gonna Drive over and pass it to him oh yeah And also you guys have been wondering You guys have been asking What happened to that blue tarantula Remember burpees Simulrock sigur room that's actually my Friend's tarantula Not mine so he actually sold it off This is one of it and this one is also

See also  i Got 2 mean Tarantulas ~ [Tarantula Unboxing]

Being sold off as you can see very very Beautiful So yeah this guy or girl we don't Actually know i'll be passing him over To my friend again because he passed This to me For me to help him to pack it but he Already learned how to package i'll just Pass it over back to him so he can Send it to the buyer i'm not sure why he Doesn't want to keep it such a beautiful Tarantula But i mean it's his anyways he can do Whatever he wants with it So yeah guys just want to let you guys Know uh about This one this unfortunate oh man my Hands are getting really itchy here So yeah i just want to let you guys know What happened to this guy i mean he Finally Passed away after pairing with my Females both of my females i think like Three times Each so hopefully he did a good job and Then you guys have been asking for an Update on this blue one so Yeah there's your update and you won't Be seeing any more updates on this guy Because He will be sent off to a buyer To a new owner so i'll see you guys next Video that'll be it for this video Pretty much

Nothing else for me to say so yeah stay Safe Take care guys
