RIP Pissy BUT she will NEVER leave my side! + NEW FAMILY MEMBER welcoming !!!

Thank you What's up guys so I know a lot of you Know that PC just recently passed away And that was really really sad it was Just so unexpected it was unfortunate And yeah it just happened all of a Sudden and we just don't know what the Reason or cause of it was now I have Something over here that just came in The mail we have had this planned and Designed and everything way before PC Had passed away So Yeah don't think that we made this Because pz passed away and yeah no we've Had this planned and We've had this planned and already Everything like prepared and all Before PC passed away okay and we wanted To do a video unboxing this and showing This to pissy to see if you know she'll Be pissed off at it but no it that Didn't go as planned let me just show You what we have in here okay so Sorry I'm a little bit ill no it's not Covet it's just a random cough Random call that yeah Anyways we've got this This is a pissy doll Yeah so like I said we designed This Months ago and we just had it finalized It was quite a task for my girlfriend to Keep changing the guys Um design so she had to keep like

Contacting the guy modifying the design Of this doll because at first the eyes They were at the side so it looked Really really weird it's finally done in What we like it to be so this is pissy Doll as you can see it is from Makeship right so We're actually Um doing a campaign for this if you want I will if you want to get one we will Link the disc we'll link what did he say S we will have to link because I just Woke up I'm sorry we will have the link In the description below what are you Doing Yeah I'll introduce you her after Explaining about this okay so this is The PC doll you can see underneath it's Written PC I don't know is it is it even In the right for me in the in the camera It's upside down but yeah PC with a Crown because you know Queen she's the Queen all right she will always be in Our hearts pissy the queen she will Always be with us in our hearts even Though she passed away but yeah you can See a lot of tongues look at that yeah She wants to intro be introduced hey Come here Zoe come here Zoey Zoe okay yeah see by the way this is Our new addition to the family she likes To bite no biting No biting ow no by the way this is Zoe Say hello Zoe

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Zoe our Yorkshire Terrier She is she just turned four months old And as you can see she still likes to Bite we have clothes for her we have Actually a lot of clothes we even have Like a snow white clothes for her which Is it's pretty cool and we've got like Dresses and all yeah it makes her really Cute hey over here no biting no biting We got her about three weeks ago yeah I Just never introduced her she's now four Months old hey Now Um Yorkshire Terriers over here they are Not the most Smells so nice they're not the most Common Um not the most common breed of small Dogs the most common here are like mini Poodles okay you can go now there she is Likes to play around this is a favorite Room the gym room but yeah I hate this cough so much but yeah that Is Zoe [Music] Zoe Yeah she's a cute one the only problem Is trying to get her to toilet train Because she literally She likes to roll around carpet she Literally pees everywhere she can pee Like hour five times in an hour yeah You're listening to me huh yeah you come Here

Come here she's so cute Zoey but yeah My girlfriend also has a Yorkie which is What they call these Yorkshire Terriers Yorkie hers is about seven years old I got this I can't do this video anymore With this call but yeah I'll insert my Girlfriend's Yorkie video I mean picture Like right now that is hers seven years Old Back to this Like I said we are not selling this Because PC passed away okay no That is not the case if you are thinking That wondering that feeling then no We've had this doll designed way way Months and months before PC Unfortunately passed away and then we Were so bummed about it because like I Said we wanted to do a video with PC With this doll introducing this doll to PC and then show you guys like hey we've Got a little version of PC that you guys Could have too but that wasn't the case Pissy passed away If you like I will link the video in the Description below I have not preserved Her yet she is still in the freezer so Yeah I haven't got the time to do the Preservation video but once I do I will Upload that video as well but this video Will be going up first as a Friday video So yeah I think the at the time of this Recording this recording I think it's

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What are you doing this recording is About I would say hey Hey so we've got a PC and a little Yorkie baby [Music] So yeah um We will at the time of this quick Recording the campaign's not up yet but When this video is up the campaign Should be up as well so I will link it Down in the description below if you Want a little mini pissy doll you can go This is so cute like It looks so pissed off just like Missy And he has a crown because this is a Queen right I just wanted to To let you guys know that see it's Written here hand wash warm or cool only All materials PB cotton plush fabric Distributed by makeshift LTD from Vancouver Canada if you guys can see I Don't think it's going to focus but yeah That is our new physical I think this is My favorite plushie ever So yeah guys that will be it for today's Video just want to introduce you to this And of course Our new family member Zoe Zoe where'd she go Where'd she go Oh okay okay Zoe I will be doing more Videos on Zoe in the future She likes to shake I'll do more videos Of her in the future so stay tuned for

That we actually oh yeah I will not be Doing videos of her like just her I will Maybe show you guys her off and on but No videos just on her on this channel I Plan on making a separate Channel just For Zoe So if you guys think that would Interest you you can subscribe to that Channel I haven't made the channel yet I Will let you guys know once I've done it Once I've done that I will announce it To the channel and that's basically Going to be a channel for me documenting Her growth see how she looks like Because you know Yorkies when they're Small they're black when they are bigger They turn blondish Or they call it blue which I don't think It's blue but yeah That will be a future plan the future Plan so yeah guys that'll be it for this Video I don't want to keep you guys on This video for too long go get your busy Doll if you want to and stay tuned for Zoe's future her own future Channel yeah She hurt me she's coming yeah you want Your future you you want your own Channel You want your own channel come here Let's play with the bear but yeah guys Anyways I'll be here for today's video I'll see you in the next one take care Stay safe have a good one and hope you Guys are staying healthy because I am Ill and I am not happy about that


You like me ill oh my God look at her She's like Zoe Anyways guys see you next video peace Watching me edit her video she just Turned four months
