Sad Disappointing video!!! ~ I was so Excited & Looking Forward 😪

Oh oh okay so what is today's date today Is I'm not sure I'm gonna probably Upload this one week later but today's Date is I think that no it's the ninth I Was about to say 12th no 12th I'm gonna Go overseas all right it is the 9th of January 2023. wow the time the the year last Year just passed by like that so over Here okay over here in this thing you Guys know when a tarantula of mine lays An egg Sac I will cover it that way when I turn on the lights turn off the lights Tarantula won't feel too stressed out so I will cover this and yeah let's see so This tarantula is my formicktopus Conserides now she laid her egg Sac on The 9th of wait no wait what's that I Don't even know wait no the 9th of 12 Yeah I thought that was 13 man my Handwriting is so bad the 9th of December 2022 so it's about over a month Now since December has 31 days it is Time to finally Um Are you freaking No no no no no no no No girl Where's your egg sac Where's your egg sac What Uh Are you freaking yo yo just a few days Ago I just peeped at her and this part

Down there she was down there and you Can see a web over there yeah this whole Entrance was covered in thick web and Now she is out in the open with With nothing What where's the egg sac Don't tell me she ate the egg sac Foreign I was so excited for this video And now Are you freaking kidding me girl Where's your egg sac It's you man her abdomen is plump again She ate her egg Sac are you freaking Kidding me man You're freaking kidding me Oh my oh so hoping we're gonna get Conservatives babies I kept the the substrate damp-ish that's Why you can see some mushroom spores Over there so the humidity was good all Right it's good and a water dish is Filled as well half yeah whatever but What is she even doing okay wait let us Try to feed her a I don't even wear my Super worms are freaking kidding me man Oh my gosh she actually ate up her exact Ly I'm Like I don't even like I don't know man Sad sad day Oh my God it It was sealed off for so long

See also  My (depressed?) Tarantula DROWNED HERSELF :(

Why is it when I want to harvest I mean To incubate not Harvest well I want to Take out the egg side from Earth to Incubate usually we will take it out Minimum I would say 30 days some people Do it earlier but then I heard you have To roll the eggs I cannot I I don't have Time to do that and usually we will take Out the exact 30 days and incubate them But unfortunately she decided to eat her Eggs I even bought these you know do you Remember I used to use those those Coffee filters to put the eggs on I Actually bought these These are thin Very cheap thin stockings So basically I was planning on cutting Them and using this pouring the the eggs On here but unfortunately no I guess that wasn't gonna be the case Freaking hell man [Applause] I'm not even going to edit this video Man just one take now this one I thought She laid an egg sank on the 24th of October last year because she was like This but then when I looked closely it Wasn't so this is this is invalid so I Stuck a sticker when I saw her confirmed She held an egg Sac on the night of December 2022. well I guess this is Useless now so yeah Oh my God Franken kidding me Whatever man I'm gonna have to find another mature

Meal for her now she didn't even move For the whole video is she even alive or Are you okay yep she's okay Yeah there you go Why don't you eat your egg sack Neighbor's dogs are so freaking annoying

See also  Feeding GOLIATH BIRD EATERS in THE DARK !!! 😈