SCRUBBING my TURTLEs’ shells !!!

3 Reasons To Consider Urban Beekeeping

Beekeeping, as a hobby, has distinct advantages over raising chickens, gardening and growing fruit. It’s easier than you might think, fun and you get to enjoy honey produced in your own backyard.

Bed Bug Bites Information

Bed bugs can be described as smaller parasitic bugs which are usually located in almost any residence, hotel room or workplace. All these pesky insects are present practically anywhere and they mainly feast upon human beings and warm blooded pets or animals. When you notice insect bites onto your entire body that just weren’t there the night before, perhaps you are certain that you’ve bed bugs in your own home.

Firefly: A Lightning Bug

Fireflies, as being defined, are luminous beetles that belong to “Lampyridae” family. These nocturnal, incandescent insects are also called lighting bugs or glowworms. Its name “fireflies” is derived from its unique light-emitting characteristic which main purpose is to attract mates in order to reproduce.

Raising Crickets for Pets or Pet Food

The chirping of a cricket can be very annoying to some. But to some it is music to their ears. That is to another cricket or something looking for a meal. I personally find the chirping quite relaxing. Especially on a warm summer’s night. The chirping makes me feel like everything is right with the world. If you feed crickets to your lizards or tortoises as I have they can get quite expensive. Raising crickets is not hard at all and with a little work on your part they will give you plenty of crickets to feed your other pets.

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Bedbug Bites Information

Although many people say that bed bugs don’t cause any health problems, we still think that there are some since with every bite we lose a very small amount of blood. After all the people who have experienced bed bug bites ask themselves how did bed bugs come into their homes? Well the answer cannot be short and precise here.

What You Need To Know About Honeybees And Beekeeping

Do you want to make money from honey? Learn beekeeping and get into a business that can bring you great returns. Not only will you have money, but you’ll have great fun working with your bees.

What You Need to Know About Having a Pet Tarantula

Tarantulas, one of the earth’s oldest species, are exotic and fascinating. Shy and rather nervous, they prefer being left alone. Handling causes stress- not for humans eager for closeness, but for the spider. Please think again about owning a tarantula if you have your heart set on lots of one-to-one interaction. If still interested, do look forward to the enjoyment of caring for and observing an intriguing species instead.

How to Start Keeping Bees

Just about anyone can keep bees, from the young to the old, from the University entomologist to the stay at home mom. Even the white house now has a hive. Yes, you can be a beekeeper. All you need is a beehive, some protective clothing, a few tools and some bees. You do not have to know everything about bees to get started. After all, most colonies are pretty forgiving and experience continues to be the best teacher. Let me give you a few recommendations in the checklist below so you can become a successful beekeeper.

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Beekeeping Tips – Defense Mechanisms of Bees

It is not unusual for beekeepers to discover their honey bees becoming more defensive than when they were first installed. There are many factors to consider as to why this may happen, and today I want to share some common reasons and what you might do to be prepared or prevent it when possible. When a beekeeper installs a package which contains around 10,000 bees, the small number of bees makes it very enjoyable to work with and is easily managed.

Tips to Avoid Being Stung While Beekeeping

Ouch! Probably one of the biggest obstacles that discourages people from keeping bees is that bees can sting! Many people are afraid of honey bees, and some people are scared to death of them. So I want to give you the honest truth about bee stings, and how to avoid most stings. And, I want to bolster your confidence so that even if you do get stung it’s okay.

My Pet Tarantula

I have a pet tarantula.  Her name is Lucretia.  Lucretia and I have been together for about two years now.

Honey Bees’ Life Cycle – Interesting Facts On Queen And Worker Bees

Most of us know about honey, we eat it every so often. But how much do we know about the honey bees which produce the honey? Without them not only will there be no honey, most of our plants will also die! Check out the life cycle of this little creature that has been serving the world for a long time…

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