She grew a Small Stubby Leg !!! [+ BONUS tarantula POOP CLEANING]

Guys i just noticed something look at This you see This leg is the same as I mean it's like parallel to this right Look at the size of this leg the length And look at this length of of this one This leg Right here is longer than this one And by the way this is miss tylen black A lot of you guys have been asking for Her It is now about one and Yeah 1 30 am and she is out but yeah Just look at that is that weird or what One of her leg is longer than The other that is so weird i just Noticed this Weird huh yeah i've never noticed this And That's awesome i mean i mean the leg Isn't awesome but Her being out like this is awesome she Is Oh man look at the size of her Absolutely massive but Her legs what on earth Comment down below i think right i think Because i did remember that there was One she only had seven legs I think it was a bad mold and This is one of the regenerated legs so Yeah it's really short and like stubby I don't know super weird but Pretty interesting at the same time but

Yeah for those who don't know Tarantulas when they lose their legs Sometimes they can lose their leg It takes maybe like maybe two or three Months before they fully regenerate Back that leg and i guess this was one Of the Situations right there pretty Interesting For guys for for those who don't know For guys who don't know For those who don't know well learn Something new every day Just turned on the lights and she is Still out she's gaining more confidence Nowadays because Previously even when i move like right In front of her She bolts in let alone turning on the Lights and now Like the full room that the room is like Fully Lit up and she's still here so that's Awesome She's starting to learn the ways of this Room and Being less of being less less afraid Sorry i can't speak right now but yeah She's being less Afraid and at the same time you can see She is slowly aging because you can look At her i mean just check out her the Colors of her hairs Is being more dull as she is getting

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Older previously It is very intense but now you can see It's like Turning like white hairs kind of like Humans when we get old Yeah you can see that she's aging and Yes i've had her since I've had a quiet for quite a few years And i got her when she was already A fully grown adult so yeah she's just Getting old You can see her like right over there But yeah good night miss thailand black It's actually another day today and the Reason i'm doing this is because that The thailand black video it's super Short so yeah today we are going to be Cleaning this because this tarantula I have no idea why but she just poops on This Yeah just poops at this corner so wait Wait wait this thing is going to Pop yep there we go so yeah this thing Is It it's pretty annoying man so i'm gonna Have to look at that It's so solid yeah you hear that This has been here for months and every Day she just comes here Like like look at this over here there's Nothing And it cuts off over here she just Pretty much just just poops over here She doesn't well maybe there a little

Bit but Mostly it's over here so yeah today We're going to Try and clean this i don't know how i'm Going to be Well i'm just going to be getting a wet Cloth and just wiping this down but i Have no idea How long this is gonna take so yeah Let's go get the cloth and also i'm now Putting the roach water crystals in this Uh bottle over here so i've put Five tablespoons which is here I put five of this in here and it's not Full so I guess i'm gonna have to do six i don't Know i actually started with Three and i added four three was only Around until here And then four and then five and then i Don't know if i should add the sixth one We'll see so yeah as for that Let's get this cloth and just soak it in Water because i think i would imagine That thing it's so thick and hard That uh we're gonna need something Soaking and not like to say damp so Let's see Oh man this is gonna be pretty Interesting well actually it comes out Pretty easily look at that So ah this one actually comes out pretty Easily which is good Now different tarantula poops are

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Different when it comes to the avix Those those guys poops no it's not easy It takes Forever to clean like this one Super easy actually i'm not even using Strength like for the Avix my gosh you guys you're going to Have to use strength I have no idea what is in those guys Poop but this one I'll just put my leg over here so i can Support it and put more force Look at this this one is so easy to Clean Yeah compared to the avix oh my gosh Those guys Poops oh those are i actually did a full Video on cleaning my avix You look at this i'm already done and This is barely even 30 seconds The avix it took minutes like literally It wasn't even as much as this and it Took minutes Yeah a very very long time Compared to this this one's like it's Pretty much done Wow so that goes to show that Different tarantula poops yep are Different So it's kind of weird So now wait oh man this thing it looks Like it's gonna like come out i have no Idea man these things are so badly made Now look at this look at the water right

Oh my gosh those are all Tarantula poop ah That's pretty nasty oh man i'm gonna Have to Toss this cloth into the washing machine Or something But now i have a dry Cloth which i will be putting my Foot here again and you see when it Dries up it has some stain so i'm gonna Have to wipe it dry Yep there we go and It should clean up oh man that sound Wow what a difference you guys This is now so clean so that is awesome So Well that's one way to make A video a short video longer very nice And clean now Awesome so guys i hope you enjoyed this Random video And we'll see you in the next one maybe I'll do another Evicularia a poop cleaning video because Man they are at it again Just look at that look at that so Yeah maybe in the future we'll see

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