Spider-Gwen Sings A Song (SPIDER-MAN: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE Superhero MCU Ghost-Spider Parody)

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Here’s the lyrics –



Hey miles, now I know you’re grounded and everything but… spiderman isn’t….

Swinging away from all my problems
Saving the day’s a great distraction
I do not feel at home in my own universe
So I’m off to new earths

Dads got it in for the spider woman
They were stood over dying Peter then went running
You really shouldn’t class that vigilante as an enemy
Cus that vigilante is me

I pulled off my mask and I asked dad to give it a rest
He raised his gun and said “you’re under arrest”

Swinging away from all my problems
Saving the day’s a great distraction
I do not feel at home in my own universe
So I’m off to new earths

Keep falling keep falling it’s not failing
You’ll hit the learning curve soon while you are swinging
No one ever said this was gonna be easy
And why on Earth would you want it to be

Miguel said yes, I can join the team
I’m helping all the spiders track anomalies
We been chasing the spot, I should be following leads
But it’s miles universe, I gotta see if he’s free

Hey miles I’ve really missed you!
From the sketches in your book I see you missed me too
Let’s get out of this place I wanna see your city
Have your skills got better can you keep up with me?

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Swinging away from all my problems
Saving the day’s a great distraction
I do not feel at home in my own universe
So I’m off to new earths

Keep falling keep falling it’s not failing
You’ll hit the learning curve soon while you are swinging
No one ever said this was gonna be easy
And why on Earth would you want it to be

Keep falling keep falling it’s not failing
You’ll hit the learning curve soon while you are swinging
I’ll swing a million miles to see miles he makes me happy
And I brought the whole spider team

You were never meant to join the spider verse
And it’s all my fault I just had to converse
Now they’re locking you away in a cage
You can’t go home Cus your dads meant to pass away

This doesn’t feel right we shouldn’t know our fates
Miguel are you sure his world will be erased?
I don’t care anymore I’m routing for miles it’s done
It’s time to beat some heads like I beat my drums

Keep falling keep falling it’s not failing
You’ll hit the learning curve soon while you are swinging
No one ever said this was gonna be easy
And why on Earth would you want it to be

Keep falling keep falling it’s not failing
You’ll hit the learning curve soon while you are swinging
I’ll swing a million miles to see miles he makes me happy
And I brought the whole spider team

Keep falling keep falling it’s not failing
You’ll hit the learning curve soon while you are swinging
No one ever said this was gonna be easy
And why on Earth would you want it to be

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Keep falling keep falling it’s not failing
You’ll hit the learning curve soon while you are swinging
I’ll swing a million miles to see miles he makes me happy
And I brought the whole spider team

Swinging away from all my problems
Saving the day’s a great distraction
I do not feel at home in my own universe
So I’m off to new earths

Stan Lee Signed Amazing Spider-Man #107 Comic Book