Spider-Man Deleted Scenes That Could Have Changed Everything

Puffy Lux

Tom Holland’s turn as everyone’s favorite web-slinging, arachnid based superhero has left a whole lot of web cartridges on the cutting room floor. That metaphor doesn’t exactly hold water, I know, but it’s my awful segue to saying Tommy Boy once pitched Marvel on a “really passionate sex scene” and frankly that completely changed my view on him as an actor. Sure, he can’t keep a secret to save his life, but dude’s got a seedy side I can appreciate. You know what else might change some views? These excised MCU Spidey moments. There we go, nailed the transition! Point is, this is a video about those bits and bobs left on the cutting room floor and how they change our perception of the Webhead. For example…

In Far From Home, Peter Parker famously abandons his beloved New York City to travel across Europe as part of a school trip. Unsurprisingly, and as we see in a pretty substantial victim of editing, he had a lot on his to-do list before embarking on this little definitely-can’t-go-wrong-in-any-way vacation. This material wound up making its way onto the Far From Home blu-ray as a sorta short film. Amongst the things to be checked off are to purchase a dual headphone adapter, sell his toys to buy MJ some bling, picking up his passport, and to take down the Manfredi crime family.


0:00 – Intro
Spider-Man’s To Do List (Far From Home)
Miles Name Drop (Homecoming)
Peter and MJ’s Nap (Far From Home)
May’s Fashion Tip (Far From Home)
MJ’s Conspiracy Theory (Homecoming)
Harold Happy Hogan (Homecoming)

See also  Peacock Spider 11 (Maratus pardus)

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Written by: Michael Keene
Narrated by: Michael Keene
Edited by: Michael Keene

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