Have you ever thought what would be the view of Spiderman in real life ?
Here is an epic parkour chase with a bad guy! Miles Morales is here!
Tell us what you think in the comment !
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Thanks to Yoann Leroux for playing the bad guy ! Make sure to give him a follow here :
Thanks to @Samuel Kim Music for the amazing music. Make sure to give him a follow :
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☐ Insta Mel – @MelanieBuffetaud
☐ Insta Charles – @CharlesPoujade
☐ TikTok – @ Charles.Melanie
⚠️ These stunts were made by professionals and in a controlled and secure environment. Not to be reproduced.
🎵 MUSIC from @Samuel Kim Music
Spiderman: Miles Morales Theme | FULL VERSION (from Gameplay Demo PS5)
What’s Up Danger (Into the Spider-Verse) | Epic Orchestral Remix
To contact us (business only!): RunJump@beyondmedia.fr
#Spiderman #Real #Life