SPIDER-MAN ESCAPING ANGRY MOM EDITION 3.0 (Extreme Parkour POV in Barcelona πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ)

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In this video, I sit at home with my twin sisters and watch TV. At one point, the sisters suggest that we play like on TV. We start the game and accidentally hit one of the sisters. At that moment, my mother comes home from work and sees the situation. He gets mad at me and starts scolding me and chasing after me to punish me. In the end, he catches me, takes me home and punishes me. 🀬🀬

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⚠️ These stunts were made by professionals and in a controlled and secure environment. Not to be reproduced.
To contact us (business only!): grishagaraz@gmail.com
FTC DISCLAIMER: This video is sponsored by Epidemic Sound.

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© Copyright belongs to GRISHA GARAZ ☞ Do Not Repeat
#SpiderMan #Edition3 #MOM #action #POV #Parkour

Stan Lee Signed Amazing Spider-Man #107 Comic Book

See also  SPIDER-MAN: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE - Official Trailer #2 (HD)