Spider-Man Miles Morales | Peter Parker beaten by Rhino | Confirms New Advanced Suit?

Puffy Lux

Spider-man Miles Morales Peter Parker. What’s going on guys? RBG here bringing you more coverage on Spider-Man Miles Morales. Yesterday Game Informer uploaded another clip consisting of gameplay along with a semi-interview with the creative director going more into details on how Miles will develop as a character with his newly found Spider powers. I know everyone has been doing these debates comparing Miles to Peter in terms of who’s more effective in certain areas. And I just wanna clarify the statement that I made in the last video. I mentioned how this game had a strong overtone of being yourself or being greater and how Miles could essentially be a greater Spider-Man than Peter Parker if he simply stopped trying to mimmick him and do his own thing. I noticed a lot of you were a bit thrown off by that statement with some of you saying that Miles will never be greater than Peter Parker. Which I agree. Peter Parker will always be the best Spider-Man no matter which incarnation he’s derived from. What I meant to say was that Miles can be greater than Peter’s Spider-Man in certain areas. Besides the usual spider powers they obviously feature specific abilities that make them different. 1 of the main key differences being the experience. Based on the footage we’ve seen up to this point Miles commonly has more moments of self-doubt in his abilities as Spider-man, which is probably due to the legacy of Peter Parker before him. We see multiple instances of him being reluctant of jumping into action because he knows he could potentially make matters worse. He has a weaker spider sense since the spiders that him and Peter were bitten by were most likely genetically engineered differently. It was never stated whether the Spider came from Oz corp like Miles’s spider did. But I think its safe to assume it is because Insomniac borrowed a lot of stroy elements from the Ultimate Spider-Man comics. So Miles probably bitten by a more enhanced spider that just so happens to be carrying the Oz formula we’ll most likely be hearing about in the future.

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