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Spider-man remastered ps5. What’s going on guys? RBG here bringing you another video on Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered. The embargo has officially been lifted for Spider-Man Miles Morales. And I’ve been getting a lot of messages from you guys asking me how am I enjoying the game. Which I hate to inform you but I wasn’t fortunate enough to get my hands on a review copy this time around. I’m not sure if I put in my request too late or Insomniac didn’t feel the need to give out codes for the PS4. But for whatever reason I couldn’t get that highly anticipated review out to you guys. So if you thought I was taking a little break from uploading to secretly play the game you were soarly mistaken. I’m still waiting like everybody else and am just as hyped to play it. And to keep that hype up I wanna talk about these 2 new suits for Spider-Man Remastered that was revealed by Insomniac yesterday. A couple of months ago they announced that we’re getting 3 all new suits for Spidey on the PS4 and PS5 remastered version of the game. Right out of the gate they revealed The Amazing Spider-Man suit which is a look I’m very excited about. The suit looked so good I did a video comparing it to the actual suit from the movie. Given the fact that the textures on the movie’s suit had this cool looking sheen to it I think the newly added ray tracing effect in Spider-Man Remastered will only highlight the details. After doing my comparisons I mentioned suits that I thought would be the perfect additions to the already awesome costume library. 1 being Black Raimi suit and the other being the Superior Spider-Man suit. And many of you mentioned that Insomniac might be saving the Black Raimi suit for the sequel seeing as the symbiote will more than likely be a major story element.
#SpiderManPS5 #Remastered