Spider-Man Sings A Song (Tom Holland) (No Way Home Parody)(Fan Theories NO SPOILERS)

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Thank you to Robert Grace for singing this one, check him out here –

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Beat by Ice Tea Beats

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Here’s the lyrics –

Spiderman Tom

“Sinister six!”
“It’s time to catch us a spider!”

So many enemies to capture,
How did they get here?
They’re crawling out the woodwork for me,

You’re an octopus doctor?
I never heard of yer,
Why on Earth have you got beef with me?

I already saved the universe, I,
Need a massage,
And a week or two off school,

Everybody’s relying on me!
I can’t break free,
I’m gonna spin a web and hide till it’s cool,

The drama goes on and on,
And on and on and,
I need help from me,

I used to wanna be an avenger so damn bad,
I would skip school, ditch friends, like an idiot,
Now I’m dying for a break, let me chill with mj,
I should have known Tony was right to hold me back,

I grew up too quick, fought thanos and the blip,
Gave E.D.I.T.H away to a psychotic prick,
Endangered my family and friends what was I thinking?!
I’m not ready for the superhero life, let me quit,

I, Hear a call, on the ball I just race in,
Who am I kidding, I’m wherever they need saving,

So many enemies to capture,
How did they get here?
They’re crawling out the woodwork for me,

You’re a goblin who hovers,
I never heard of yer,
Why on Earth have you got beef with me?

See also  Top 10 Most Powerful Allies Of Spider-Man

I already saved the universe, I,
Need a massage,
And a week or two off school,

Everybody’s relying on me!
I can’t break free,
I’m gonna spin a web and hide till it’s cool,

The drama goes on and on,
And on and on and,
I need help from me,

There’s a group going round called the sinister six,
They’re causing chaos, tricking me for kicks,
Ocks gonna get socked for that strangle grip,
I’m iron spider, know who your dealing wit?

Goblin, stop throwing,
Green balls, they’re destroying,
My NYC, you are clearly not there mentally,

I’m told to drive your hover board into your belly!
I’ll put the somewhat of a scientist to rest finally,


“Spiderman! Is that him?!”
“Ah he’ll do! He’s got limbs!”
“Get him! Bring him in!”
“Same same but different!”

I’m a web slinger, justice bringer,
But I could never be a killer!
Don’t make me pull the trigger!

Cus Strange says they all die fighting me?

Hear a call, on the ball I just race in,
Who am I kidding, I’m wherever they need saving,

Why, do my friends and my family,
Have to be pawns in the schemes of my enemies?

Aunt may! Mj! Ned please will you forgive me!
I can’t save everybody!

So many enemies to capture,
How did they get here?
They’re crawling out the woodwork for me,

You’re electric here’s my ringer,
I need to charge her,
That’s a useful superpower indeed,

I already saved the universe, I,
Need a massage,
And a week or two off school,

Everybody’s relying on me!
I can’t break free,
I’m gonna spin a web and hide till it’s cool,


The drama goes on and on,
And on and on and,
I need help from me,
And Pete, and Pete, and Pete, and Pete,

Stan Lee Signed Amazing Spider-Man #107 Comic Book